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Bond Boyd Gold Filled Pin

In Costume Jewelry > Show & Tell.
Bond Boyd1 of 25Bond Boyd Sterling Silver and Enamel Vintage PinDisplay of Part of My Bond Boyd Collection
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1224 items)

    One more addition for my Bond Boyd collection: This is the first pin by this Canadian maker I found that is not sterling silver. It is marked Bond Boyd GF.

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      The stalk curl just makes this so good!
    2. freiheit freiheit, 10 years ago
      Thanks, racer4four and nutsabotas6.
      I have been collecting Bond Boyd for some time and I don't like all of their pieces. I prefer the older ones and think that in many cases they are undervalued.
      Most of the ones I have I got literally a few cents to a few dollars:)
    3. freiheit freiheit, 10 years ago
      Many thanks, mikelv85 and aghcollect:)
    4. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      You have such class & style I love looking at the different things you come up with
    5. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Under valued then is a great thing for you, right?!
    6. freiheit freiheit, 10 years ago
      Thanks a lot, Zowie, for your kind comment. I am glad you like what I post.
    7. freiheit freiheit, 10 years ago
      shareurpassion, yes, I guess it is a great thing for me. I just hope that some when, someone will "share my passion" for these pins and appreciate them as much I do:)
    8. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      I never have a problem saying what I mean especially when it's meant. Take care

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