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Schumann Vintage Porcelain Plates with Hunting Scene

In China and Dinnerware > Show & Tell.
Schumann Porcelain3 of 16Schumann Porcelain Collection:  Fruits and NutsSchumann Porcelain Creamer, Sugar Bowl, and Plate/Tray
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1224 items)

    I did it again: I don’t want to buy anymore porcelain until I have sorted out my “display/storage issues.” But here we go: I found these two small Schumann plates for a really good price and couldn’t resist. The back stamp dates to the early part of the last century, making the plates around 100 years old. One of the plates is in mint condition; the other one has a small chip in the front.

    I have not seen this pattern before and by searching on line I found only very few with this motive by Schumann.

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. freiheit freiheit, 10 years ago
      Thanks a lot, CindB and aghcollect:)
    2. freiheit freiheit, 10 years ago
      Thanks a lot, mikelv85:)
    3. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Same problem here, lol. :)
    4. freiheit freiheit, 10 years ago
      It's nice to see I am not the only one with this problem, katherinescollections:)

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