Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
Can anyone help translate the 4 characters on the bottom, it looks as if it may have been used as a stamp as well. I would love to know what it says but I've been told this writing is at least 200 years old, can anyone help??
same stamp there, still on a resin (not ivory!) snuff bottle.
Sorry, not able to translate.
Resin?? Nobody has told me this looks like resin.
This is the same snuff bottle, I just couldn't edit the images so I deleted it and reposted it. If ANYONE can help translate the characters please let me know!!
You may have a look to this post and read comment #8, the characters are same.
For the resin question, there:
I've emailed a few professors and the writing on the bottom reads "royally commissioned by emperor Quin Long" and the writing he confirmed is over 200 years old
Troylee1969, in my comment #4 the first link provided gave the same translation...
The characters beeing antique writing doesn't mean the snuff bottle is 200 years old!
All I can say is have a real appraisal on it if you don't believe what you consider a deceptive comment...
Here is a fine collection of authentic snuff bottles:
It has a green tarnish to it, is that typical for resin?
The blue color is dying to enhance the decor.
If you Google image, you will see some in red, pink or green too.
For example these:
Which are not cinnabar either, check the price!!!
oops wrong professor