Posted 9 years ago
(757 items)
Last week in Vinnies there was this pot in the corner of a cabinet at floor level. I took it out of the cabinet and had a look ... the work on it was amazing. The handle on the lid was worth the price they were asking for this pot.
The signature on the bottom was 'Fat Duck' ... a name I had heard before.
At home the research began and I quickly came up with a pottery in a town called Woombah in northern New South Wales about 670 kilometres away from Sydney where I live. The pottery was run by John Uithol from the 80's until fairly recently.
On one site I found reference to Uithol's death nearly two years ago. It also mentioned an address for his wife Marion a ceramist and a glass artist. It was she who told me that this was one of her late husband's works.
I think its a great piece of Australian Studio Pottery. I've put it here with a piece of Harrachov glass by Milan Metelak.
Amazing design a real beauty Vet :)...talking with his wife and confirming the ID makes it extra special !
Many thanks MIKELV ... she said that at one stage she did some of the finials on his earlier pieces but on this occasion it was his work. A lovely lady.
If you like something the best thing is to go for the maker and in your case his wife. So much information dies when a founder dies. Your story reminds me of Demetre Chiparus the famous sculptor. Finally an author found his wife and so much information was found out and told that never had been heard in many years or ever before !
Kevin it's amazing!
Very nice, Kevin!
Many thanks MELANIE, MGG, DON, CAPERKID & PHIL too !!! !!! !!!
BEAUTIFUL!!! What a piece!!!
Many thanks BELLTOWN !!!!!!!!
I visited that pottery I think around 25 years ago. Mum was living near Yamba and we crossed the Clarence River and turned off for Woombah (pronounced Wom -bar) and she introduced me to the potter there. We didn't buy anything, it was just a friend's visit. Silly of me because I liked his work, even though I don't recall seeing anything quite like this! It's fantastic.
Thanks KAREN !!!! Glad to have sparked the memory !!!!
So your Mum knew the Uithols ????
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER !!!!
I can't be sure Kevin. She was very active in theatre in that region and was constantly picking up props and donations to help out. The theatre was a local amateur group, not for profit, that relied on donations and passed all their takings to local charities. I remember around that time they raised quite a bit for Iluka Sea Rescue, and Iluka is just up the road from Woombah.
I have absolutely nothing intelligent to say except I appreciate your shares, information and loves. And, it's endearing that you are a hunter and share that. :)
Many thanks RICK, ONEGOODFIND and yet again to you KAREN !!!!!!!
Many thanks BRUNSWICK !!!! !!!! !!!!
Many thanks MANIKIN !!!! !!!! !!!!
Many thanks FORTAPACHE & NORDICMAN too !!!!!!
Many thanks PEASEJEAN !!!! !!!!
Many thnks PSYCHODAMA & MANIKIN !!!! !!!! !!!!
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE !!! !!! !!!
I'm not really a Pot Person, but this one is super! Completely different from everything else.
Many thanks EFESGIRL ... I think his pots were really quite nice !!!!!
Many thanks MIDNIGHT1208 !!!!!
Many thanks DON COBBER !!!!!
Many thanks ANNEL, POIRE & BETTYBOO !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks AUNTMOLLY !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks OFFICIALFUEL !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks NICEFICE !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks VALENTINO !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks BRUNSWICK !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks MARTIKA & RADEGRUNDER !!! !!!! !!!
Many thanks MIDNIGHT1208 !!! !!!! !!!
Many thanks RÜCKLGLASS !!! !!!! !!!
Many thanks AMANDAADAMS !!! !! !!!
Many thanks WINDWALKER !!!! !!! !!!!
Many thanks THOMAS !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA !!!! !!!! !!!!
Many thanks INKY !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks NH10 ! !!! !!! !!! !
Many thanks DLPETERSEN!!!!!!!
Many thanks NEWFLD !!.!!.!.!!.!!