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Very Unusual Vase

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Czech Glas and Crystal9 of 18Ruby Red Egermann Cut Glass Vase Czech/Bohemian?Moser Czechoslovakia Vintage Candleholder with Warrior Frieze
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1224 items)

    This is the most unusual vase I have ever bought! It appears to be handmade/mouth blown. The glass has a solid green layer inside. The next layer seems to be multicolored, and the outer layer is clear glass with little buds. It is made of three separate glass tubes, joined in the base of the vase. It looks almost like a tree trunk.

    There are no marks on the vase. I have no clue about the origin or the age of the vase. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for looking:)

    Mystery Solved
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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Appears to be a Thorn Vase I would say. Does it have 5 feet? Never saw one with the three tubes like your but there are doubles posted here on CW

      Also just type Thorn Vase into the CW Search Bar and you will also see some others!!

      I think you have a SUPER DUPER FIND there !!!!
    2. charcoal charcoal, 9 years ago
      WOW! That's really cool! That's the same oxblood and white spatter decor I have posted below, but with a green lining.

      Thanks for posting it. The three tube examples are very rare.
    3. sklo42 sklo42, 9 years ago
      From picture 4 I would think that that is a Welz décor. The thorn feet and the deep green inner only go to confirm it, in my view.
    4. sklo42 sklo42, 9 years ago
      I think your triple thorn vase is gorgeous and rare. If you look up welzebub's posts (the one from 21 days ago) you will see the same décor on a trophy vase.
    5. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Very organic! Love that shape!
    6. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 9 years ago
      compliments for this beautiful vase
    7. welzebub welzebub, 9 years ago
      Great vase, and a very rare form.....

      I agree with Sklo42. This vase is in a décor which is strongly linked to Franz Welz production though multiple different shapes, while nevere having been successfully linked to any other production house. Here are two examples of the same decor:

      That image can be found in this post of mine with a simplified explanation of the process used to determine the Welz origins for the décor.

      As a last unarguable link to Welz production, here is an image of a trophy vase shape identified as Welz production in a glass exhibit in the Czech Republic. The shape is uniquely Welz production and has never been successfully linked to any other production house. This trophy vase shape is also found in a variety of other décors also linked to Welz

      Great find!!
    8. freiheit freiheit, 9 years ago
      I would like to express my sincere thank you for all of you who helped me solve the mystery and for your kind comments: antiquerose, you figured out what my vase was called, namely a thorn vase, charcoal your link and your comment made my day, sklo42 I will certainly check out your tip and I appreciate your kind and knowledgeable comment too, and, of course, kyratango, you are always there to offer your support:)
    9. freiheit freiheit, 9 years ago
      Oh, wow, welzebub, when I posted my comment (I am rather slow) I found your comment! Thanks you so much for all of the information! I really appreciate it.
      And, by the way, you have a simply outstanding and absolutely wonderful collection!
      Many thanks also for the compliments, kivatinitz:)

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