Posted 13 years ago
(203 items)
I know this hurts. A post-mortem tintype photograph circa 1870 depicts a mother holding her recently passed away child. Infant mortality was high and children were often photographed as a memento before burial. An image to share with family members, and nearly every post-mortem photograph is the only image of a loved child. Then, an all too common practice for young mothers. Today, merely a collectible category for early photography collections.
If a photographer can create art in a scene this sorrowful, then he or she is an artist indeed.
Early in the 18th century, death as a youngster was not as rare as it thankfully is now, at least here in the United States. It was also not uncommon for children to be given miniature coffins as playthings or told stories which placed an emphasis on death. Games children played and the rhymes they recited were gruesome indeed. Inevitable but unfortunate. I call it a failure in the design.
Post-Mortem Tintype photograph Collection Jim Linderman Dull Tool Dim Bulb
Very heavy stuff, yet something that is important in our history. The grave yard on my familys land in WV has graves with very young siblings who passed within days or hours.
These are an important historical record of the times.
Often the ONLY photograph of a deceased child was the post mortem. They were cherished family momentos. It speaks to the times when cameras were not a daily part of life and a trip to (or visit from) the photographer was an unusual event.
Thanks for posting.
I'm having a hard time clicking "like" on this. But, that said, I do find the concept of "memento mori" fascinating, and how it's lacking in current American culture.
It's also a huge collectable. I get it, it just creeps me out. In my pictures I have a suicide (something important no idea), and an execution of a Nazi soldier that were left to me. I hate having them but they were taken by family (why, who knows) I don't get them out, or show them, but they are a part of history someone has to hold on to them.
I have a photo of my Swedish relatives, a husband and wife, and it is speculated that it is a post mortem photo of the wife, propped up in a dress next to her husband. Apparently a common practice back in the day also.
Viking-- the "grouped" post mortem with a live person is highly unusual with adults or older children.
I have seen many identified this way by ebay sellers. Many times the photographers stand is identified as a device to hold up dead folks. There is absolutely NO BASIS in fact.
I am not sure where this story in the family lore came from, but part of the basis is that the photo in question was dated around her death, and that she was buried in the dress she is wearing. There were apparently several more of these photos taken with other relatives that have passed on, but I have only seen this one.
Viking-- post the photo.
If it is a post mortem, it would be a very unusual photograph.
love it! like it or not this is a part of our history.
Yes, having a hard time clicking like. I have a baby that size that I'm holding right now. Very very interesting photo though. I couldn't imagine loosing one child, let alone as many as they did back then. Thank you for sharing.
I've seen a dozen or so of these photos, always creeps me out. I can understand the idea (I think), but it still gives me the willey's. Many of the photos were of adult's which is even wierder. I cant imagine posing with a corpse, much less a loved family member (shudder).
I have a post card image of Leo Frank hanging from a lynchman's rope. He was lynched for murdering a young Milledgeville, Georgia girl named Mary Phagan. Leo was later found to be completely innocent. A sad story. This isn't a typical post-mortem but even more frightening.