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Tortoise Shell (Faux?) Gold and Silver Brooch

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Victorian Item14 of 19Pietra Dura Antique BroochVintage Bangle Made of Organic Material
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1224 items)

    This is another junk section find! I didn't need my magnifying glass for this one: I recognized it right away as an 1800's brooch.

    This one has initials on the back. This brooch is in remarkable shape. All parts are original and there is no breakage of any kind. The only little fault this brooch has is a tiny missing piece of gold. It is hardly visible.

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      The Jewelry Goddess has smiled on you yet again!
    2. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Wow! This is lovely!
    3. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Wow! Wonderful piqué work! A gentle rub with a slightly oiled tissue will prevent the turtle shell from drying :-)
    4. Emme Emme, 9 years ago
      It's a beauty.
    5. freiheit freiheit, 9 years ago
      Efesgirl, once in a while I get lucky. Sometimes weeks go by and I find nothing, and then luck just changes. This one must have been in the store for some time, based on the colour of the label. I went there before and didn't see it. I was about to leave when I took a last look and there it was!
      Thanks for your comment:)
    6. freiheit freiheit, 9 years ago
      Thanks a lot for your advice, kyratango. Usually I give all my finds a good cleaning before I put the away because you never know where they have been... This one I didn't clean because I was afraid to destroy it:(
    7. Agram.m Agram.m, 9 years ago
      I like this kind of jewelry very much. If its imbossed its NOT real, thats a guarantee Its celluloid plastic, if its old its very dry and brittle and will sound different than a new one but they don't and didn't imboss real shell it would damage it
    8. freiheit freiheit, 9 years ago
      Thanks so much for your comment, Agram.m! I agree with you about the embossing. It would not make too much sense to put the initial raised in the shell; I am not familiar with the techniques used to create this kind of jewelry but I think it would be rather challenging to do. There must have been some kind of mold applied to create it.
      Agram.m, I found this listing on line and think it is rather outlandish. What do you think? I am wondering about pretty much everything:

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