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Vintage Miniature Lidded Cauldron From Lourdes France Thrift Shop Find $1.00

All items105843 of 245412Very old(200yrs?) childs family item rockersome freaky paintings
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1017 items)

    I haven't been able to find out anything about this brass cauldron. I emailed Lourdes and a few other places over in that general direction and nobody knew anything. This little pot is all handmade. I would take a guess and date it to the 1930s based on the style of the letters.

    The weird and the wonderful.

    Thanks for looking/loving, friends!


    1. Windwalker, 9 years ago
      love it and the price............nice score..
    2. mareredware mareredware, 9 years ago
      hello Efesgirl. I am so loving this CW !! Each time I sit down to scroll the lovely things, I find something that slipped past me. Love this little pot!
    3. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      Thank you, Windwalker!

      mareredware, I'm glad you like my little pot! This is the only one I've found. I wish I could find out something about it. Maybe I will put it upstairs, next to my witch - LOL!
    4. Maltamary Maltamary, 7 years ago
      I am sure we will be able to find more information about your Treaure ??????????? See you in the group

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