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Vintage Studded Lucite (?) Bangle

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Plastic47 of 63Vintage Clamper Bracelet with Brass WireReverse Carved Plastic Bangle and Ring
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1224 items)

    This is the latest addition to my mystery studded vintage bangles. I am still not sure where they were made.

    The second photo shows how I repurposed a wine gift box to store some of my bangle collection.

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Your storage idea is SUPER! What a clever use of an empty wine bottle box. I never find any bangles like that one.
    2. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Thanks for your nice comment, Efesgirl:) I collect a lot of stuff and my husband doesn't mind - as long as everything has its place - LOL
    3. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      I found this one on line. It looks just like mine:
    4. lentilka11, 8 years ago
      hm.. I could store my bangles like that!! what an idea..!
      Love the carved ones!
    5. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Thanks for your comment, lentilka. I have most of my bangles in a drawer and it is a mess! When I finished the bottle of wine, an idea came to me....
    6. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Mary, I always appreciate your honest opinion! I didn't think the wood would be a problem. I have lots of wooden jewelry boxes to store my pieces - but they are not plastic. I live in the cold north; maybe this will help. (I will look into the issue:)
      I hope you had a great Christmas and you will have a wonderful New Year. Take care, my friend!
    7. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      Love the bracelets and love the storage container. Don't think the wood container should be an issue, never been knocked around by wood yet ?
    8. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Happy New Year, my friends! My house is almost constantly at 21 degree Celsius, summer and winter - but I will put some tissue paper in, just in case.
      Thanks for your comments, PhilDMorris and valentino97:)

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