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Porcelain Signs453 of 1083Early porcelain Amerada Hess corporation sign.Vintage Flit kilss insects enamel sign end 1920s
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (943 items)

    This $200 Barn Hanger was the last sign I bought before becoming "The Village Idiot" on June 19 and climbing bareback on a horse my son was considering buying. He had all the signs of being gentle until I started riding with no one close by. Of course I had no saddle and only a halter so when he started bucking and busting my male parts on his high withers, I bailed off as soon as I could! Unlike the Bull Riders I see on TV, I landed flat on my back and ripped my pelvis 3" apart plus serious internal damage! No more sign pickin for me the Dr says as I can't put weight on either leg for 3 mos. after that no lifting for a very long time!!! At 77 I also got the bad news that I have osteoporosis so my bones are like Sheetrock. Not good! We've got 96 Banjo signs in the air & I dearly want to get the next few found, bought and installed! Stupid Stupid things bring consequences to us old guys!!! :(:(

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    1. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      Take care RattleTrap I often do stupid things too. Enjoy your meds. :)
    2. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 8 years ago
      It's 4am and you're commenting on my pill collection? I'm a wheelchair dude and it's not easy to roll thru barns etc. sad months ahead!
    3. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      Hey RattleTrap I am sorry you got hurt was only saying I do stupid things myself, knocked my front teeth out last week. The only bright side was the meds. Apologies .
    4. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 8 years ago
      I was just kidding with u because of the early hr. I couldn't sleep so wrote the Note. Very very sorry about your teeth! That is sad and replacements/posts aren't cheap! U can buy a lot of very cool signs for the price of new teeth these days.
      I'm old fashioned and don't do the pain meds. Tylenol for 2 weeks and over it. Yes I can feel that I've got broken parts but I deserve to feel it. Maybe remind me not to do Stupid things at my old age?
    5. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 8 years ago
      Thx for the love it
    6. akrodog akrodog, 8 years ago
      Get well Rattletrap! Take the best of care and mend. Sounds like you'll just be picking smalls for awhile!
    7. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      Sorry about your rodeo accident. Pain sucks! Sleep? Try popcorn with Parmesan on it. Works. Look it up.
    8. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 8 years ago
      No places for small signs. Just do big signs. I need a sign rack on my elect chair I'm told
    9. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 8 years ago
      Thx for the helpful ideas. Accident was a month ago today & ive got 2 more months before I can walk with a shuffler they tell me! Not my idea of fun! I didn't dismount like the guys on Bull Riders! They just walk/limp away! I couldn't move!
    10. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 8 years ago
      Thx for the helpful ideas. Accident was a month ago today & ive got 2 more months before I can walk with a shuffler they tell me! Not my idea of fun! I didn't dismount like the guys on Bull Riders! They just walk/limp away! I couldn't move!
    11. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 8 years ago
      Thx for the well wishes. I'm now sign hunting by phone and Facebook but not much luck so far and a lot less fun than digging through an old barn.
    12. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 8 years ago
      Thx for the love it
    13. Coke1234 Coke1234, 8 years ago
      @ age 77 you are just a kid. I've got a buddy who is 89 and drives his 67 Vette like he did @ 16. I bet you in another 6 months you will be out there picking like before. I will say I really enjoy your post a lot. Love the stuff you pick. You can't keep a good picker down for long.
    14. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 8 years ago
      I haven't quit picking. It's just very difficult as I'm in a wheelchair and can't put any weight on either leg so need help getting in and out of the car/truck and everything is a real ordeal. Just got back from the Iowa Gas show and a 3000 mi trip with my truck and trailer. Brought home some signs and poles. Haven't quit yet but it's a lot harder
    15. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 7 years ago
      Thx for the love it

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