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Sad Story

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Czech Glas and Crystal16 of 18Interesting Vintage VaseJust for Fun:  Miniature Vase
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1224 items)

    This is a really sad story for me because the lid is all that is left from a beautiful, antique, bohemian lidded goblet. It is actually a very short story: I bought, was very happy, put it on the shelf, and the shelf collapsed. That's all. C'est la vie!

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. Ivonne Ivonne, 7 years ago
      Really sad story:(.I know what you feel.Once the shelves in my glass cabinet collapsed and I lost quite a lot of my collection.
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      The lid itself is a work of art, sorry to hear the story !~
    3. inky inky, 7 years ago
      Oh! Noooooooo!! sorry!..:’-(
    4. SpiritBear, 7 years ago
      I still have all the pieces from an event like that. I always meant to glue them back together, but there are just so many. :(
    5. freiheit freiheit, 7 years ago
      Oh dear, I was going to through the lid it in the garbage but I am not ready yet. Ivnne, as a collector I feel your pain. I didn't lose much money because I am a bargain hunter, but it literally too me years to find some of the pieces. And I feel so bad because some of the pieces on the shelf are gone and irreplaceable.
      PhilDMorris, thanks for your comment,too.
      Inky, yes, it happened! One of my daughters had tons of books on that shelf and never had a problem!
      SpiritBear, I cried! No really, I cried. But then I put it in prospective and realized it's OK. My husband cleaned up the mess(I couldn't do it) and through everything out! He only kept was was still in one piece, including the lid. The strange thing is that one vase survived without a chip: It was a crystal vase he gave me the day I arrived in Canada on April 1st, 1985! Go figure!
    6. IVAN49 IVAN49, 7 years ago
      Do not wait to get old to understand we should not get too attached to things.They last longer than people anyway.
    7. AnnaB AnnaB, 7 years ago
      Sorry to hear that...i glued mine back together, i looks ugly but i didn't have in me to throw it out. I feel your pain.

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