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English Butterfly Wing Jewellery

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (5 items)

    Butterfly wing jewellery is such an exquisite collectable. Thomas Mott (TLM) of England, exhibited at the 1924 Great Empire Exhibition and catapulted the art of reverse painting on Butterfly Wing to a new fashionable craze of fun yet elegant jewellery. It was in 1922 that Shipton Co of England applied for the patent (202212 & 202213) for the design of using Butterfly Wings for the production of pictures, but it is generally Mott that is credited with their rise in popularity. Today this fine jewellery of the 1920's and 30's is making a comeback, and these beautiful, delicate pieces are growing in popularity. Some are set to Sterling Silver and signed to the rear, normally with the patent number, others which are still very collectable as set to white metal. The pictures of crinoline ladies, children or birds are the most desirable, but tropical paradise scenes are also appealing. Mainly found to brooches and pins, pendants and bracelets are more difficult to find, earrings and rings are very rare as they were mainly ruined due to water damage from being worn. I have several beautiful pieces from the 20's and 30's all of which prove a great talking point over dinner!.

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    1. Victoria, 14 years ago
      How much would a pair of earrings that have a design of an island with a palm tree be worth?
    2. Tillymint Tillymint, 14 years ago
      Some can still be purchased for less than 20 pounds, but the better the condition the higher the price, up to say 60 pounds.
      Best regards
      Tilly :)
    3. Agram.m Agram.m, 13 years ago
      With interest I read your little, but very interesting story of Butterfly wing jewellery and therefore thanks! Now I am in the opportunity to can buy an Art Deco silver brooch with a little lady in this kind of juwellery for the price of 39 USD. I'll think that it's worth. Do you agree? Hoping on your answer with kind regards,
    4. wolcott1 wolcott1, 13 years ago
      Nice collection Tillymint!
      I agree Agram that 39 us dollars is a good deal!
    5. Agram.m Agram.m, 13 years ago
      Thanks Wolcitt1
    6. Tillymint Tillymint, 13 years ago
      39 us dollars sounds like a real bargain to me! :) enjoy. Tilly :)
    7. Agram.m Agram.m, 13 years ago
      Hoi Tilly,
      Thanks, I'm waiting for the above mentioned brooch. As soon it has been arrived I will place it on this Show and Tell and ask you whether it is an original and indeed a bargain. I appreciate your opinion because up till now I don't know much about butterfly wing juwellery !
    8. Agram.m Agram.m, 13 years ago
      Hello Tillymint,

      As I said in the above comment I just now attached my first silver Butterfly wing brooch (39USD) and two other items. Please let me know what you think about them please?
    9. lindym lindym, 13 years ago
      I have wall pictures made with butterfly wing, one with a lady $10 Can, the other is a bridge & river scene; $5.00 Can. Both found at different yard sales in Ontario Canada. Thanks for letting me know about the jewellery, I'll have to watch for it.
    10. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      They're absolutely gorgeous.
    11. BOPAMAMIE, 9 years ago
      I have a large, circular butterfly wing brooch. It has PATENT 202213 stamped on the back, T.L.M and what looks like an anchor symbol, a lion? and Z. It is set in silver. It is a lady in a large skirt and bonnet looking out of a window. Anybody know more about it?
    12. pjskg, 8 years ago
      I just received a beautiful Tom Mott butterfly pin, which I believe is known as an "unaltered" piece. It is a small oval shaped pin with an emerald green wing. It is stamped on the back and does not appear to have any damage. I have tried to look up some info about it and can only find blue pieces. Does anyone have any info on it?
    13. Vintagebutterflycirca20s Vintagebutterflycirca20s, 7 years ago
      I have a beautiful English butterfly wing bracelet I recently found. So exciting to see other pieces.
    14. Theatticoftreasures Theatticoftreasures, 7 years ago
      Hi, I really like your article and the pics of your treasures, I came across the butterfly wings jewelry only a year ago and I find it very fascinating, my first purchase was an antique sterling butterfly wings brooch and today I found a beautiful sterling pendant with an hand painted lady, as soon as I’ve seen it I thought I should buy it and the shop had even a 35% off the price so I ended up to pay 40$ taxes included, so I think it’s a great deal, don’t you think? how much do they usually worth, it is in pristine condition. Thank you for your help!

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