Posted 6 years ago
(88 items)
I bought this chair, missing it’s cushions, from ReStore for $20. I really loved the smooth rocking and absolutely no squeaks from those old slightly rusty springs!
I thought researching the springs would help me conclude when it was made, roughly.
However, those same springs are available new now, so that was a dead end.
I noticed etching on one of the springs so I tried researching that: it says Hi-Co in a distinctive style of script that I have not seen before. That script may help identify some company’s logo and name but I cannot find it.
I also see what looks like someone scratched their own initials on the spring, just after the letters “Co”.
That’s probably the man who assembled the chair and applied the varnish.
If all else fails, there’s always that National Database of fingerprints....the guy left a couple of really good prints on the spring in varnish!
;^D I watch too much crime TV!
I know this is a wingback spring rocker.
The varnish was totally smoothly worn off the armrests where hands would rest. The wood I could see there has a very tight grain which I thought may be maple
From the underside of the seat, which was probably covered with upholstery since the square of fabric over the springs was absolutely clean, I could see a difference in the wood grain and assumed it’s a secondary wood.
I know the chair was well used and well cared for. All the joints were tight, nothing to re-glue, no defects to repair or cover up.
My living room doesn’t need any more brown wood so I knew painting and sewing were going on my agenda!
I love bright colors and a touch of whimsy in my surroundings so here’s my final product!
The fabric had so many different birds with different body styles, and plumage, some with cute expressions ,I didn’t want to leave any of them out. I managed to include all the birds and branches by making both cushions reversible. The loops on the back cushion are attached in a manner which will let them swivel to accommodate the cushion being turned either direction.
I’m aghast when I see beautiful antique furniture painted over, forever ruined. However, I didn’t think this chair really had any more value than the $20 I paid for it and with a bit of time at the sewing machine and 2 cans of spray paint, I got my version of a “Happy Chair” that looks pretty and cheerful in my living room!
Thanks for looking!
I hope CW folks will tell me about this style chair and roughly when it may have been made (I thought maybe the 1960s).
I almost forgot about the tiny chair: it set me back $4. I bought it at same place/ same day.
I’m leaving it exactly as is.
I welcome all comments!
Outstanding restoration of this lovely rocker Watchsearcher!!!
Jscotto363, thank you so much for love and comment!
Thank you all for the loves!
Thank you, Brunswick!
Thank you all for looking and loving- it is much appreciated!
well done ...looks like a nice rocking chair to rest my old bones in smiling,.. what kind of nursing did you do . if I may ask..
Thank you, josscee! It is a comfy chair!
I don’t mind you asking:
Neonatal Intensive Care and Neonatal Surgical Intensive Care for about 40 years....boy, that went by fast!
wow . that's a job I know I couldn't do must tug on your heart pretty hard when things go wrong ...we have a hospital the next town over they stopped all baby care there...don't know how they get by...brand new big place they hooked up with CMC New England heart & Vascular Institute. but they only send a doctor up there from the big city every three weeks and a floating nurse weekly .....that's where I play with nurses ..nice girls and yes 40 years is a long time ., good for you .. ...smiling
If all else fails, there’s always that National Database of fingerprints....the guy left a couple of really good prints on the spring in varnish!...
.lol that's funny ..
have a book on old furniture but nothing on this ...its to old for this chair ...looked on line for a bit came a cross your chair or this post out there in never never land and came acoss one for 5 times like yours but the rocker style isnt the same ...but i have a set of them on my porch I scored ...but can find yours sorry
maybe fhrjr2 knows .. he's a smart boy '-))
josscce, I appreciate all your looking for another old chair like mine. And thanks for the “love”!
Regarding the job: there were many heartbreakers but a lot more joys and good outcomes.
Do you mind sharing what you do? I’m guessing it’s something in the medical field also.
the medical field...not me just been dealing with them for a while my E F for my pumper dropped to 10 .... rather then 55- 70 we'll see how this go's ... I worked for myself as a carpenter/ G C mostly ...till I retired ,now living the good life ...smiling
Glad to hear you had joys and good outcomes in your work . makes it all worth doing "-))
Oh, to be a carpenter!! You have my respect totally....I have ideas, materials, tools, but the outcomes of my construction are an embarrassment.....I best pay a pro like you!
The joys of my job sometimes come years after the patient care I’ve been a part when my 5 y/o grandson was playing with another boy in McDonald’s play area. The parent and I recognized each other from somewhere- - it turned out that I had been his nurse while he was hospitalized for several weeks after birth to have surgeries to correct a GI defect.
The dad called the little guy over to give me a hug and to show my his perfect little tummy....with not a sign of the deadly problem that he had faced at birth. He was eating French fries and playing....absolutely normal....what a joy!!
Good luck to you with your heart issue. Mind your nurses!
I was expecting to see zigzag springs. We have a flat grid spring system held with straps. Wing back platform rocker. These were made by so many companies in so many states it would be difficult or impossible to assign a maker. I would probably research Tell City chairs first. I would think your date guess is fairly accurate give or take a few years wither way.
Thanks for giving me your input, fhrjr2 and josscee! I appreciate your time and knowledge.