Posted 5 years ago
(945 items)
Well, fellow CW folks, I've been hanging around this scene for a while now, & enjoy it so very much. Always cool to see what other folks collect - especially art glass. Anyway, just wanted to say...I'm not the kind of person who gets on the cover of Vanity Fair in order to introduce myself. I've mostly been the quiet type. So if you don't know me, my name is Marin & I'm not your average kind of guy... :-)
Peace, love, & happy collecting to you all.
Hi Marin, you have a gorgeous art glass collection and I love your displays, the pastel pieces are especially appealing to me. CW is a great place to share what you love with others, and see the various things we all collect, it's a nice group here :) - Jenni
Hi Jenni, thanks so much for your lovely comment, really sweet of you. Yes, having been on CW for just over three years now (& it's been three of the most intense years of my whole life coincidentally) it's been wonderful seeing what other people are passionate about. Many's the time when just about all I had to get me through the day was posting my glass & enjoying other collector's posts. Now things are more settled I felt it was time to open up a little...
So nice to meet you Marin! I always love you Glass Posts, and IronLace, is a great CW name for the beautiful Glass that you've shown us, so many, and so consistent with what you show! :^D Thank you! I can't believe it's only been 3yrs, I've seen a lifetime's worth of the Glass that you've show, and new pieces keep coming, you have enriched all us that have viewed your posts, and I always look forward to your next Marin. Thanks again! Bill :^)
Many thanks, Bill! My username comes from a kind of decorative cast ironwork that was popular in the Victorian era, used on the terrace houses of inner city Sydney. Besides the historical aspect it always had a special, personal meaning for me as well.
It's been an amazing three years on CW, have got to know so many interesting people & have learned a lot in the process. Here's to many more!
You are a knowledgeable collector with a fabulous assortment of glass and a beautiful soul..... That is all I need to say.... Knowing you, and communicating with you has been, and always will be, a pleasure. Keep the gorgeous glass coming.
Always enjoy your beautiful glassware posts :-)
Me too !!!!
A big 10 / 4 Marin...smiling I enjoy your collection.
regards ,..JO JO
Many thanks, Thomas, your kind words are much appreciated...yes, our collections are like self - portraits in a way...I can always see your passion for music shining through. Love rock music myself as well, & always listening to my favourite albums as I work in the studio...
Craig, that is just so wonderful of you to say...I do love to share my finds & raise awareness about glass, among other things! :-)
Thanks so much, Manikin!
Thanks also, Kevin!
@ fhrjr2 - I am smiling - just doing it in the goth way, LOL.
Everyday I'm blown away by how happy I feel, getting to live my life my way, in a beautiful place surrounded by special things. I simply prefer to maintain an expression of gravitas in my photos, in the same way I like to dress formally. Must be my Victorian soul (folks back then tended not to bare their teeth in photos either). Kind regards, Marin.
Marin/ Ironlace, I’m fairly new to CW also, having found it to be a wonderful diversion from pain of broken bones plus a great site to learn about all sorts of things.
Your glasswork creatively photographed on the ground with flowers emerging from the soil is always delightful.
It’s nice to know real names and to have a face to put the names to.
I’ll tell you something “funny” about myself: When I started first grade at age 5, I didn’t know my real name. My name was Trish or Trisha to my parents, Pat, Patty, Patsy to some people and even Pitterpat to one person. I started school and found out for sure that my name was really Patricia!
Hi Patricia, that is a really sweet story...& brings back memories of old nicknames my father gave me as a kid...Chip (as in chip off the old block) & Splinters (because I'd often get splinters in my hands from helping him out around the yard).
It tends to be that we gather a number of names throughout the course of our lives...another collection I guess!
So glad you enjoy my photos &'s a lot of fun collecting it all & thinking up ways to display & share it...
Hi Marin! I concur with all comments above :-D
I appreciate all your posts, personnality and wonderful place and love at most the fact you share those with us!
Greetings from France,
Hi Pascale, thanks so much!
Love the amazing creativity that you bring to your restorations of vintage jewellery - giving them a second chance to shine!
It all goes for me too. It has been a pleasure to make your virtual acquaintance.
Likewise, artfoot! :-)
Nice to meet you:) very nice collection:) David Bowie fan too !!!
Hi Trey, many thanks & yes, been a Bowie fan since 1983... :-)
Marin, nice to meet you also. I always enjoy seeing the wonderful glass that you post. We are relatively new to CW and even though Duane and I both collect, I (Dave) am the only one that does the typing. I look forward to seeing your treasures as you post them.
Hi Dave, many thanks & I really admire your collection - you & Duane have excellent taste!
You can all me Brian. fortapache comes from my Fort Apache playsets. My house is also called Fort Apache. I actually have a lot of glass but my glass area is full so not so much lately. Depression glass and Vaseline Glass.
Hi Brian, thanks so much & nice to get to know you better!
Marin..... great idea! I too love the life of Marin and the glass of Ironlace.
Thank you for being YOU
Gary Penney
Thanks so much for the positive vibes, Gary!