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antique military aviation wing medal pin ?

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (47 items)

    I found this today and It appears very Old, Its well made and the backing seems to be leather, I thought perhaps a military pin or award .I read the U.S. first military squadron was #1 in so what could be 0 . I would love to solve this on what it could be thanks for any comments. also its about 2-3" length.

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      WW1 era US Army Air Corps Observers wing.

      LOTS of fakes out there-- not my area of expertise.

    2. josscee josscee, 5 years ago
    3. josscee josscee, 5 years ago
    4. josscee josscee, 5 years ago
      your just don't match... what I have shown here , does that mean it a copy they could of change the die that punch them out in earlier or later years just means u have to keep searching to prove yours is one to yourself or someone your looking to sell it to..... smiling
    5. josscee josscee, 5 years ago
      well not only that but who to say with prove its not for ww2,,...? don't have any more time for ya lol .. but here ya go ...good luck
    6. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      It is WW1 wing-- WW2 wings are a different style.

      These are expensive wings and fakes/ reproductions often fool collectors.

      Also, I wouldn't use wiki as an authority. There are folks out there with the expertise-- you won't find them on wiki.

    7. josscee josscee, 5 years ago
      people out there with so called expertise are a dime a dozen.....
    8. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      I wouldn't use someone with "so called expertise".

      I'd talk with respected WW1 wing authorities. email me and I will put you in touch with THE guy to talk with.

    9. josscee josscee, 5 years ago
      Well thanks Scott .. but I have a fella who been a collector and seller as well has a 3 story house with nothing but military affects that he has built up over 45 years he don't live in the house ..but like most he is suffering from agent orange from Vietnam War ..Which I saw him 2 weeks ago ... looking a little gray and yellow... but we all are at our age I guess its a coin toss which one of us are going first. lol

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