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big blue bottles

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Bottles1078 of 7677Big Pepsi's!this is newcastle tyne the wesgate vault  the good bad and darn right ugly L,O,L lots love cw friends this is our time on CW
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (51 items)

    These antique bottles were recovered from a derelict tidal flooded cellar beside the river in Newcastle Upon Tyne when the planning dept was surveying for re development and recording the historic buildings around 50 years ago They had probably been there for at least fifty years before they were discovered
    They had been there for a very long time. Were they Davidson or Sowerby or just some local exporter
    The Blue is vibrant and they stand 15" high and are 6" diameter The number 140 is moulded into the recessed base

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      We need to get Malkey onto these.
      He's a bottle collecting Tyne-sider.
    2. Dave_Sandra Dave_Sandra, 5 years ago
      My mum worked for Wilf Burns and co at the planning dept and they spent months surveying the Quayside. One of the team found the cellar that was stacked full of bottles of many colours and sizes all covered in Tyne Ooze Many were "Liberated" and sold by the guy that discovered them but he did not divulge the exact location which was only accessible for a couple of hours either side of low water .When the Quayside was redeveloped access was lost but the cellar was never emptied !
    3. Dave_Sandra Dave_Sandra, 5 years ago
      If Malkey can add anything it would be wel received!
    4. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      will get back just saw the blues lots of love malkey lots of megadoobie bottle swaps
      malkey the omega man 1412 eleven
      7 th april 2020 year
      skynet i,m unsure of its location position after mornin first strike with love

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