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Sailing in Time 8/5/1908

roddyq's loves13 of 37898Mostly Marx Military Matchbox Monday Y-8 1914 StutzVintage peddle car needs a story
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (3661 items)

    If my work on Neptune disturbs our future
    Well it’s down the river
    New Orleans Naval Dry Dock 1908
    I can be on a frozen planet
    If I were good and
    I had noBody
    But Mind


    1. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 4 years ago
      Thanks to Vet50
    2. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 4 years ago
      Thanks also to mr Colors
      thegateKeepr(are you St.Peter)
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 4 years ago
      Still gat one of them thar tugs on the shore of our lagoon after Irma.
    4. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 4 years ago
      Blunder2 I think somebody named Irma is still after me
    5. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 4 years ago
      Thanks also to manikin
      Antique Toys

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