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1963 Commer Ice Cream Canteen #47

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (122 items)

    I got started in collecting Lesney / Matchbox diecast vehicles in the 1960's when I received my first regular wheel 1-75 hand me downs from cousins and neighbors. They have been with me throughout the years sometimes in a dormant state tucked away only to be revived again over and over. They will always be a part of my childhood collectable favorites.
    The Blue and white # 47-B 1963 commer ice cream canteens are 2 of my favorites. There are variations that are harder to find like the metallic blue variant along with grey plastic wheels, and different roof deckles. The variants are what keep me interested in searching out. The boxes for some models are more expensive than the actual diecast vehicle as they were discarded or beat up when tossed aside. I have a special collection of near mint vehicles and others in played condition which I enjoy as they can be used when setting up the train sets and also play worn show their own distinct character. I always leave them as I find them never trying to restore any.

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      These are fantastic Roddy!! These were made the year I was born. Looks like they weathered 57 years much better than myself:)
    2. roddyq roddyq, 4 years ago
      Hey Scotty so true how we are more beat up than some of them are. It's a wonder how some survived all these years we played hard with them. They were meant to be played with. I really do love them the Regular wheel first 75 models being my top favorites.
    3. fortapache fortapache, 4 years ago
      The Commer Ice Cream van is a classic.
    4. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      I would just have to keep those on display all the time since they bring back nice memories of the soft-serve ice cream cones we used to get when I was a child. For some reason, that didn’t last very long....they were replaced by the “Popsicle” and “sno-cone” type trucks.
    5. roddyq roddyq, 4 years ago
      Fortapache the commer van I will try to buy anytime I have an opportunity.
    6. roddyq roddyq, 4 years ago
      Watchsearcher I used to live for a soft ice cream cone. The times sure changed growing up in the 1960's was great.
    7. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      Absolutely! So many fun toys like pogo sticks and hula hoops and marbles still exist on a shelf somewhere but kids don’t know how to “operate” them and don’t care to learn. And the ice cream truck was a treat like no other!
    8. roddyq roddyq, 4 years ago
      For sure Watchsearcher so many toys in the 1960's along with all the Television series. In the warmer weather we had breakfast and spent the whole day playing outside grabbing a quick lunch. It was great.
    9. roddyq roddyq, 4 years ago
      Thanks for sharing the love. blunderbuss2, Watchsearcher, vetraio50, Vynil33rpm
      six-0-one, fortapache, Manikin, dav2no1, jscott0363

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