Posted 3 years ago
(3464 items)
Fred Fear & Company was at one time the largest producer of Easter Egg coloring kits. The company was aquired by the Childs Company in 1954 so this is probably from before 1954. This looks a lot like a Paas Easter Egg kit but Paas was around at the same time. This kit is pretty much the same but the dye is in packets instead of the Paas tablets. I am still thinking there is a relation though as the kits are so similar. The shape of the package and the contents all the same aside from the tablets.
The name Fred Fear is in very small print on the back of the package. The company started in 1892 and was quite successful regardless. They also dominated the maple syrup market.
Got one more exciting Easter decoration left to post so far so stay tuned!
This is so awesome!! Paas Easter egg coloring kits were the only ones I'd ever heard of until now.
Love the graphics