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Penna Tile & Mosaic Ashtray

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Tobacciana5 of 27Faux copper finished cast iron Pheonix design Japanese ashtray.Penna Tile & Mosaic Ashtray
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (1204 items)

    This ashtray is 5" x 3.5" square x .75" high. It has the name and address of the Pennsylvania Tile & Mosaic Company on it and the dates 1923-1952. There is virtually no wear to this ashtray. Guessing it may have been created to commemorate the sale or closing of the company in 1952?

    I could find out very little about this tile works aside from some mentions in the Philadelphia Builders Guide, 1925-1929, one mention in a Philadelphia newspaper in 1925 and the obituary of the owner's (Eugene Bidini) son (John N. Bidini). The 1930 census shows that Eugene Bidini was born in 1902, emigrated to the US from Italy in 1909 and was the proprietor of a tile business.

    Still researching this company. I found one other piece by PT&M, another ashtray that sold on ebay.

    A $2 thrift shop find, today.

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    1. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks Deano and Vynil33rpm!
    2. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks dav2no1 and fortapache!
    3. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 2 years ago
      i'm fascinated by ashtrays from that innocent period. back when smoking was the norm after a meal - for everyone over 14!
    4. Falcon61, 2 years ago
      Awesome deal! Two bucks.... they gave it to you :)
      I have a few Red Wing pottery ashtrays made in the same time period.
      Very Nice!
    5. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks for your comments, ho2cultcha! I still remember the family New Year Eve parties with houses filled with my aunts and uncles and their families smoking away.

      Thanks for your comments, Falcon61! It was literally the only thing that I found worth a second look in the thrift shop and I saw it as I was heading toward the door!

      Thanks for loving my ashtray Watchsearcher, Falcon61, Cokeman1959, jbingham95, Jenni, ho2cultcha, vcal and sherrilou!
    6. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks jscott0363, PhilDMorris, Leelani, Kevin and Searching1!
    7. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thank you clockerman and Cisum!
    8. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thank you, Searching1!

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