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My Dads war medals, WWII, Korea, Vietnam

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tlmbaran's loves15 of 563ID'd Croix de Guerre & 33rd Division Victory MedalHitler Youth Trumpet Banner - War Souvenir
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (476 items)

    From left, Pilots Compute, Air Navigation , Dead Reckoning
    For Military Merit
    Efficiency Honor,Fidelity on back is For Good Conduct

    2 file
    No writing on medal, on box says Air Medal
    Distinguished Flying Cross
    For Military Merit
    3 file
    Johny's store in Bangkok, Thailand Money clip we as kids were in this store all the time, my dad would buy a lot
    4 file
    Francis Adams 6,000 hrs flying in air, in newspapers in Boston 1965, he fly in Vietnam many generals around.
    All pilots would sign this money Rupel and each would have this before flying over the huge Himalayas Mountains without oxygen, from north India to Western China,in support of the historic Flying Tigers many died, the planes were too small and the mountains were too tall, This is where he got the Distinguished Flying Cross.

    Military Medals
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    1. filmnet filmnet, 13 years ago
      WOW i don't understand these oak clusters, can you explain this to me?
    2. filmnet filmnet, 13 years ago
      Thanks i have his last flying suit from Vietnam, i went to the first and second grade in Bangkok, taught by Nuns, with wealthy Thai kids. We traveled everywhere, my dad flew the first generals all around Southeast Asia before some were closed to airspace. He absolutely loved the Thai people, I got my wife into Thai food she loves it for 15 years married.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks for sharing-- it is nice it stayed in your family!

    4. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      The oak leaf clusters come in both bronze and silver.

      Bronze represents one award and a silver would represent five awards.

    5. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Also, during the Viet Nam war the number of Oak Leaf clusters on the AM became unmanageable and the regulation was changed (in the Army) to use numerals for subsequent awards instead of the traditional oak leaf clusters.

    6. filmnet filmnet, 13 years ago
      I guess that I am missing a few medals and a few posted are missing the top piece, i was looking to buy the top piece which is made of the same ribbon on line. But most websites want to you to buy both the medal and the small ribbon on top
    7. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      As the next of kin, you may be eligible to have the missing medals replaced for free. Here's a link to the National Archives to get you started. It takes time, so you'll need to be patient. I helped a son get his WWII veteran father's medals replaced just a few months before the father passed away.
    8. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      oops, here's the link:
    9. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks for posting Chris!

    10. walksoftly walksoftly, 13 years ago
      A wonderful legacy, thanks for sharing.
    11. filmnet filmnet, 13 years ago
      Just got an return email from the Johny's store in Thailand i sent the money clip file to them, here is is. Also my sister was so happy to see this clip she had not seen this since she was 9 years old.
      Dear Steve,

      Thank you so very much for your kind message. My name is Samart. I am
      Johny's son. It is always a great pleasure to hear from our old friends
      and customers. It's amazing that you still have the money clip from our
      store from the 1960's!

      We hope to see you in Bangkok sometime. Meanwhile, if there is anything at
      all we can do for you, please let me know.

      Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
      Samart Sue

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