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My Grandfathers Watch Fob

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (5 items)

    Any idea what the inscription means?
    AT. APP For
    REG D
    (the D is super shift with a line underneath it)

    I know he was a Mason

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      The first "P" is apparently worn off. It should "PAT. APP FOR REGD" for patent applied for, registered. it is a masonic watch fob. perhaps this sight can lead you to more information.
    2. Queensie, 14 years ago
      thank you very much!
    3. Charles Lamoureux, 14 years ago
      Lucky You! The first time I ever laid eyes on such an object was in 1972 upon a visit to a college friend's brother in Greenwich Village, New York. He wore it around his neck...I asked him to open it, which he did...I was absolutely enthralled by the intricacy of its hinging mechanism as well as the engravings on each side of the exposed pyramids...I remember the pendant was almost black on all surfaces. Inquiring what it all meant he told me it was a witches ammulate! For years I always hoped I would find one just like that! Well, I finally did, on eBay. Did I buy it? No! Couldn't afford it! Yet, I am at least content knowing they are out there in cyberspace. And, I learned that it was a Masonic pendant! Through the years I've read alot about the Masonic Brotherhood, the Knights Templar, etc. so when I came across the pendant on eBay I was thrilled to learn the true origin of this pendant! Again, Lucky You! ...Charles.
    4. Queensie, 14 years ago
      Thanks Charles. As an admirer you must visit the link posted by Savoychina1 above you'll see an amazing collection. I remember when I discovered the ball opened, mine too was blackened which made the engraving sparkle that much more and I thought I discovered a great secret that may unlock the mysteries of the universe! Of course I was about 11 at the time. I do feel very lucky to have this.

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