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Fish sculptures Flavio Poli (Seguso Vetri d'Arte, 1950s)

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (584 items)

    These lovely fish by Seguso belong, of course, to Carlos's collection. They are absolutely great:the kind of glass items one wants to hold and feel: their smooth surface, their weight... I just love them!

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    1. AmberRose AmberRose, 13 years ago
      How Are you Austro? Lovely tropical fish to see on a stormy Monday morning.
    2. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 13 years ago
      thanks Amber and Bellin!
    3. MacArt MacArt, 11 years ago
      I would think that the pair is same maker as mine, are they signed?
    4. MacArt MacArt, 11 years ago
      they are very nice btw!
    5. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Mmmm... will have to check them up next time we go to the other house.

      I've found online one signed Seguso, with an Archimede Seguso label. Don't know what to think :)
    6. MacArt MacArt, 11 years ago
      I based mine on this

      here is different kind one with full signature

      yeah, I don't know what to think either... :)

    7. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      By the way, Carlos just confirmed the glass fish are signed as Seguso and are recognized Flavio poli designs.
      Do you know if Licio Zanetti ever worked for Seguso? That could be an answer. probably he took the design and made it for Zanetti?

      I have read that Licio Zanetti used to sign Zanetti L or Zanetti Licio if the piece was really important, but not about LZ...

      To make things more complcated, I have also seen these fish attributed to livio Seguso :D
    8. MacArt MacArt, 11 years ago
      " Licio had worked for Venini, Cenedese and Alfredo Barbini,..."

      there is no mention of Seguso there, I think I will just write them a letter to find out what is going on.

      another possibility could be that they are by different makers after all, I read somewhere that they don't patent the designs in Murano and that anybody can use everyone elses designs (like those pheasants, probably almost everybody made them )
    9. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Maybe that's it! :)

      By the way, i've been taking a look a thr fish sculpture images in their website... those are imppresive!!!
    10. apostata apostata, 7 months ago
      imo it is livio seguso

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