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Sam Bass and Gang

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Tintypes194 of 249Tintype of Civil War soldier in sack coatold tin photos
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    We found this picture in my deceased mothers house. We know the man in the chair is Sam Bass. Who are the other men in the picture?Who should we contact locally if we are interested in more info on this picture? These are the names on the back of the frame.

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      How did you ID the man in the chair?

    2. Mrskoerner02, 13 years ago
      We speculate that it is Sam Bass, Bass was the only legiable name on the back of the frame, there are other names on the frame we just cant make them out, we took the pic. to college of charleston and they say it is original, we cant seem to find anyone who knows anything about him..
    3. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      It looks like an original 1880s- 1890s image.

      Are you attributing it to the outlaw "Sam Bass"?

      An provenance or family connection that would tie it in?

    4. Mrskoerner02, 13 years ago
      yes the outlaw, I have no idea if there is a family connection, but I have no idea where my mom would have gotten this pic. her family is from the missouri/ny area..
    5. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      "Sam Bass" is not a unique name-- while I would bet that it is Sam Bass, it is doubtful that it is THE Sam Bass.

      I collect and deal in antique photographs and see a lot of attributed images. Many attributions are based solely on "looks like"-- in that area you have a plus as yours "looks like" and is named.

      Provenance is the key to establishing an actual ID. With provenance and a family connection, you will have a real find. Without it, your photo is a curiosity and falls into the "looks like" category when it comes to collector interest and values.

      Good luck!

    6. Mrskoerner02, 13 years ago
      We are just spectulating that he is the one in the chair, there are 4 names on the back of the frame and the only legiable one is Bass, the next name looks like Bouri?.
    7. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      I don't see "Sam"-- all I see is "Bass"?


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