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Coca Cola Four Seasons 5 stained glass panels - 1986

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    We are in possession of the 5 stained glass panel screen - it depicts the four seasons and each girl is holding a the bottom of one of the panels is the coca cola co. 1986 - US historical society....It' s in pristine condition, no scratches, dents or scarring of the glass panels...We are curious as to why we cannot find this item anywhere or any value of it. approximately how many of these were made?....Or maybe we aren't looking in the right direction...Any info on this would be greatly appreciated..

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    1. Tamia Tamia, 14 years ago
      This is beautiful! I've never seen anything like it, how big is it?
    2. ChewyDawg, 14 years ago
      This piece yes, is beautiful and unique - it is 12" tall at the center and 25" wide.
    3. cocola, 14 years ago
      I have the same screen.I bought it from the US Historical Society in 1986 for $225. This is the first one I have seen from anyone. Although they are not numbered, I am sure very few were made. I love it, and it is one of the few really great authorized Coke items. If you wanted to sell it, I would put a $500 value on it.
    4. Tarter, 13 years ago
      i have one just like it and i can not fine out anything about if someone knows the value on it please let me know
    5. earlycoke earlycoke, 13 years ago
      Your item is worthless as far as an authentic Coca-Cola item goes. It was made specifically for the collectible market so it will not go up in value as time passes. Its value is only as a decorator item, and I am certain it is much less than the 225.oo purchase price. A mint condition 1940's cardboard that could have been purchased in 1986 for 225.00 has tripled or more in price since then. One should buy non-authentic things like this only because they like them. They will not return their money.
    6. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 12 years ago
      I just saw this on Storage Wars... The authentic old ones are a fortune... The reproductions were, I think, a few hundred!!
    7. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      I love how people seem to enjoy insulting others. "Your item is worthless" is not a good way to begin or end a sentence!

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