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Vases by A.D. Copier for Leerdam

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Art Glass20153 of 23502Floris Meydam Unica 1956''Slingervazen'' by Floris Meydam for Leerdam
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (65 items)

    These vases are designed in the 30-s.
    The crackle decoration is on the surface of the vase. They used stannous chloride to create that. Not very pleasant to inhale I'm afraid...

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    1. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      interest they use tin???? that is a new one on this ole chemist
    2. Bazelmania Bazelmania, 12 years ago
      ''Tinchloride'' te be precise.
      They also used ''antimoonchloride'' (antimony), but that was too lethal and they soon banned that. But it gave a beautiful black crackle. View my early post about Serica 13 for the photo.

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