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Very old ivory Chinese Mahjong game

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Mahjong Sets16 of 32Unidentifed Mahjong setMah jong 1920's
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (65 items)

    This very beautiful game is in our family for many many decades. It's completely made of ivory and in mint condition. Never seen any set like this. The original wooden ''holders'' are there too.

    It's a very nice game to play. You need at least 2 persons but 4 is best.
    It's somewhat like a card game and originally I believe it also was.

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    1. Bazelmania Bazelmania, 12 years ago
      Thanks tony
    2. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      love it!!!! -- one of my favorite games -- sometimes i would get so obsessed with playing it on the computer -- i'd forget that i needed to work on the master's thesis -- good stress reliever
    3. Bazelmania Bazelmania, 12 years ago
      Have you ever played it like this? Do you know the rules? On the computer it is totally different I think. You do have to form pairs untill all ''stones'' are used?
    4. Bazelmania Bazelmania, 12 years ago
      Thanks blunderbuss, pawis and epson.
    5. filmnet filmnet, 12 years ago
      We had one also growing up in Thailand dont know if its ivory thought
    6. Bazelmania Bazelmania, 12 years ago
      Very nice. This one is !
      Do you still have it?
    7. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      yes -- and i hated it -- when my girl friend's 10 year old daughter could sometimes put donna, my daughter and myself to total shame -- pay backs were always tough
    8. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Hi sorry but set is not Ivory or even bone as they some times are but made of some type of resin . Ivory has lines running through it and bone has darker pours.
      I play Mah Jong twice a week and help out teaching new comers.
      I love it ! it keeps the brain active . I do it with U3A . so no gambling !! just a good time , a cup of tea and a gossip.
      Nice set look clear and easy to read. and yes that thing they call Mah jong on computer bears no resemblance to the real game . There are many different ways to play - or rules chinese Japanese and U3A ese!

    9. Bazelmania Bazelmania, 12 years ago
      Hi ozmarty, maybe you're right, but my grandfather always told us this.
      We used to play with 4 people with the chinese rules.
      Not too many familymembers are still around.... Haven't played it in years.
    10. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      Hi Bazelmania perhaps you should teach some friends how to play .
    11. Bazelmania Bazelmania, 12 years ago
      Lousy game-lovers they are
    12. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      same with my family jan -- when i return to the midwest -- they never want to play any of the card, checker, scrabble or mind games etc etc -- i find them totally boring as they just want to sit in front of the television and listen to stinkin thinkin of poor programing-- what you do no use you will loose -- love my family as we all do -- but they can be oh so stressful -- thanks goodness for warm coats and long walks to clear the mind and say perhaps -- did the stork leave me off at the wrong doorstep

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