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Loetz Metalica #7 - Ausfuhrung 134

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Heart of Glass1 of 32Clear and Cranberry Art Glass Vase with Cased White Flowered Veining-Any Ideas?Flygsfors Flamingo by Viktor Berndt.
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (236 items)

    This is Ausfuhrung 134 decor. It is produced using a tango base color layered with Titania glass. At some point the glass is crackled (by water most likely) reblown to expand the cracks in the titania then rolled in crystal casing glass. The design dates from 1920's but earlier decors with a strong similarity exist. The earlier pieces are have Moser-like cameo work with titania. These are clearly contemporaries of Tango glass because they Contain a black or blue detail color as much of the tango line does.

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    1. Justanovice Justanovice, 12 years ago
      Wonderful colours! Particularly 3rd and 4th image, I must have an inclination for Blues! Thanks for all the information too!!:)
    2. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 12 years ago
      jericho : do you own all these vases ? If so great collection.
    3. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      no he doesn't own any of these. he steals them from auction listings and other places and people around the web and posts them.
    4. dlfd911 dlfd911, 12 years ago
      Here's one you can add to the group.
    5. jericho jericho, 12 years ago
      No, I do not own every piece, Read my bio it explains it. thanx bellin
    6. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Interesting CW DOUBLE STANDARD!

      Part of the reason given to me for deleting one of my postings was because I didn't own the item. I did have PERMISSION from the owner to use the image.

    7. jericho jericho, 12 years ago
      I can't stand posers either, sometimes I've had postings deleted because the item is in eBay auction and complaints get filed even though its not the same item but similar. CW has always worked with me. They are collectors and history buffs everyone of them. Nice folks and super to deal with just be nice...
    8. jericho jericho, 12 years ago
      Leah, my collection of glass has dipped in value (as everything else) so… pics and discussions are a good way to spark interest, more collectors = better investment. Even if you don't believe in collecting for profit at least show you love the glass by respecting everyone who uses this forum- don't try to represent everyone... just speak about you, your glass and your experience is with it. Thanks Kyle, good point….and just to show the point I’ll just share the Ausf 134 (for a day) with an example I own.
    9. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 12 years ago
      For what it's worth I thought you had to own the pieces you post. Does this mean I can post the Hope Diamond ?
    10. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      they were his friends pieces. posted with *permission*. apples and oranges yet again.
    11. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      For me, infractions here and there don't really irritate me at all but when the majority of posting you do is all strangers items, it defeats the purpose. I mean, I am perfectly capable of browsing the web and finding the same photos if I want to see a bunch of a certain decor. My understanding of this venue is that you're supposed to be showing and telling about YOUR collection for the vast majority of the time.
      but that's just me and if the moderators don't think it's a violation of the rules (I thought it was) then so be it. This isn't my forum.
    12. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      But personally, if one of my items showed up randomly in a post like this I'd be mega irritated and even more so if I wasn't already a part of the community and found it by accident.
    13. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      and as far as it being better to see the one piece that he does own instead of all the other pieces as well that are gathered from various sources from out the net. I disagree. I'd rather see close ups and the base and the inside of that one piece he owns. Personally, I think you learn a lot more from the detail than from the far away entire shot of the whole piece.
    14. jericho jericho, 12 years ago
      This is a good discussion, If you have issue with the CW work it out with them, I do not represent them or have immunity (two of my posts have been taken down), But instead of complaining to others I spoke to them myself and I respect them for wisely managing their site and allowing free speech.

      As far as preference on what you like to post...I enjoy picture of one piece- top, bottom, under black light etc, that is the preference of the individual. I enjoy showcases from museums I hope to visit and I especially enjoy stories of how pieces were found. I enjoy support from collectors who like my posts and good discussions with collectors who disagree with my attributions.... that said, If you hate the way I do things, don't press the LOVE button. You may post angry tirades about how we need to follow your personal style of posting...This is an artistic process and each member should post what they like. I have never deleted a post and do not intend to do so because no matter what any comment says it can't hurt me... there is just to much love in my life right now....

      If anyone is offended by the posting of an image that belongs to them report it to CW and they will do what they think is right, second option is email me directly and ask to have an image removed from one of my many posts and I will be glad to do so...

      seriously, too much love. jericho
    15. SteveS SteveS, 12 years ago
      Interesting discussion
      There appear to be two (at least) distinct issues being confused here ...
      1 Copyright issues ... What is posted here are photos of objects ... Not the objects themselves ... Certainly copyright remains in the hands of the Photographer ... regardless of whether they own / still own the piece ...
      ... a grey area arises when objects are photographed without permission ... Or with restrictions on permission (eg personal use and PGM) ...

      2(or 1a) images on the web remain the property of the owner of the image ... Many people are happy to share these images so long as the sharing does not involved in obtaining personal gain ... although I suspect many of the Auction houses would prefer to maintain their copyright position ... but you would obviously need a team of lawyers to chase this up and probably do a lot of PR harm ...

      3 it is a part of CW policy on intent that defines the site as being non-commercial ... i.e. free of solicitations to buy or sell ... If an item is parallel posted on a commercial site I see no problem so long as it is not mentioned or referenced in the article on CW ...
      That said the "front page" comes with the "most watched" listing .... Perhaps an exclusion from appearing in both "show & tell" and "most watched" for an arbitrary period would be reasonable ... but I would favour blocking the eB listing rather than the original article posted to CW ...

      Most of us are used to living with the realities of the commercial sites by now ...and if not will soon learn ... on both the buying and selling sides ...

    16. SteveS SteveS, 12 years ago
      Thanks Jericho
      ... Love the pics by the way ...
      ... Certainly is difficult to understand how someone would come by such pictures if they had not come by them in their pursuit of "Collecting" ...

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