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Finn Juhl Fireplace Chair by Bovirke Export Division

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Danish Modern Furniture199 of 334Danish Rosewood BarMid Century Danish Dining or Card Table with four Chairs
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (38 items)

    Saw these beauties on Craigslist and bolted out the door. I didn't save my work or nothin'. I just ran for my life! lol. I purchased all three chairs. Marked as BO-EX on the bottom and after doing a bit of research it appears these were designed by renowned Danish architect Finn Juhl. BO-EX it turns out is the export division for Bovirke. The chairs are in immaculate condition. I also purchased a fantastic 1970s multicolored filing cabinet and a Herman Miller desk designed by George Nelson.

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    1. sodapoprocker sodapoprocker, 12 years ago
      Thanks BELLIN68. I'm loving them as well.
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      You did well with these, young man!
    3. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
      Very cool. I never move so fast as when I am going for the score!
    4. sodapoprocker sodapoprocker, 12 years ago
      Thanks vetraio50.
      I know what you mean AmberRose. Sometimes I've got to be really careful not to knock down the elderly crowds at the estate sales. Lol.
    5. Hunter Hunter, 12 years ago
      the color is impeccable. WANT :)
    6. sodapoprocker sodapoprocker, 12 years ago
      Yes the color is fantastic. Looks wonderful in my house. I have three and I probably don't need that many Hunter, so keep an eye out for them at
    7. Hunter Hunter, 12 years ago
      haha, nice - Cheers to a fellow Texan getting your business off the ground! My grandparents live in San Angelo, so next time I'm around we'll drop by :)
    8. sodapoprocker sodapoprocker, 12 years ago
      Sounds great! What a small world. We should be up and running by March. If you see me there be sure and introduce yourself! :)
    9. Hunter Hunter, 12 years ago
      Haven't been to visit in a couple years, but definitely will if I'm in town!
    10. sodapoprocker sodapoprocker, 12 years ago
      Well it definitely time I say hi to your grandparents! After Marh of course. Lol
    11. sodapoprocker sodapoprocker, 12 years ago
      I see you collect vintage menswear. I don't see too much of that around. Stinks because I would love to wear vintage clothes to the shop.
    12. sodapoprocker sodapoprocker, 12 years ago
      You* not I on that previous comment. Lol
    13. Hunter Hunter, 12 years ago
      yeah, for the vintage clothes, you'll have to do some thrifting in el paso or odessa/midland (or Austin for that matter)...I need to post some more, thanks for the reminder :)
    14. sodapoprocker sodapoprocker, 12 years ago
      You really think Midland/Odessa has that stuff? That's where I grew up. I passed up a couple fedoras at an estate sale this morning. They were just a bit too right on my head. :/
    15. Hunter Hunter, 12 years ago
      ha, I don't know - I lived in Marfa briefly and some thrifting friends had secret spots they'd go to in Midland. I prefer El Paso - there's three or four gigantic thrift stores, like Savers, that always have great stuff.
    16. Hunter Hunter, 12 years ago
      yeah, estate sales are probably the best way to go, especially if you don't want competition from other young people!
    17. sodapoprocker sodapoprocker, 12 years ago
      Haha right... I saw a girl just a bit older than me at one this morning and was like.. "What do you think you're doing?" Lol
    18. Hunter Hunter, 12 years ago
      exactly :)
    19. sonambient, 12 years ago
      sodapop, can you contact me at i have a question about the chairs.
    20. lovethatvintage lovethatvintage, 10 years ago
      Hi TM - I did good didn't I? I just guessed that the chairs were Juhl Finn & you proved it. Good going. In case you don't know who lovethatvintage is, you bought the chairs from me! Hope things are still going well for you.
    21. EZa EZa, 10 years ago
    22. lovethatvintage lovethatvintage, 8 years ago
      I just checked in Collectors Weekly to find out info on John Widdicomb furniture. I just discovered that a small writing desk from my Mothers home is a John Widdicomb!
      The Finn Juhl chair to far left shows a small bit of a desk credenza - just like my office suite. I had always suspected that it was also Finn Juhl as it was part of the same group of furniture that the Finn Juhl chairs came from.

      Good luck in your new store.


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