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Victorian Item19 of 19Bertha Franziska Edelmann - Born October 5th 1869 Wm. A Rogers Silver Plate Bride's Basket Made in Canada
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1224 items)

    This box was decorated by my great grandfather. I never met him( I am old - but not that old :). It was probably done in the late 1800's. From what I know, he was a decorator and painter and made a living decorating the houses of the well-to-do. I used to have some oil paintings and some furniture he decorated, but sadly they were lost. The initials K.S. stand for Karl Suess. How would one classify this? Is it folk art??

    Thanks for looking :)

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    1. freiheit freiheit, 12 years ago
      Thanks blunderbuss2 and mustangtony for loving this old box. :)
    2. freiheit freiheit, 12 years ago
      Also may thanks to AmberRose and stharn.lady :)
    3. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 12 years ago
      this is beautiful! i'd classify it as toleware - very finely painted toleware!
    4. nldionne nldionne, 12 years ago
      I see where your love for beautiful things comes from. He was very talented. Is beautiful and quit a treasure.
    5. vintagejewel vintagejewel, 12 years ago
      This is really Beautiful
    6. freiheit freiheit, 12 years ago
      Thanks everyone for loving this old box. I use it for old pictures and little mementos. I had larger pieces of furniture as well (footstool, bench, chest etc. - but I lost all of it :(
    7. Woman34 Woman34, 12 years ago
      I agree with Ho2cultcha.
    8. cwpost cwpost, 12 years ago
      Very nice...........
      In the collectibles and antique industry, toleware refers to kitchen-related objects created from metal, typically tin or thin steel, and are often in decorative styles such as Arts and Crafts and Pennsylvania Dutch. Decorative painting on these items is common but not necessary. This style of decorative art spread from Europe (where it was referred to as Japanning) to the United States in the 18th century,[1] and was popular in US kitchens in the 18th and 19th centuries.[2]

      The term is derived from the French name for tole painting, tôle peinte.
    9. freiheit freiheit, 12 years ago
      Thanks so much cwpost. I love collecting almost anything that is old and has a history. To know the value of a piece is nice, but to me it is secondary. I love this site because, step-by-step, I learn more about collectibles and antiques, thanks to people like you. :)
    10. freiheit freiheit, 7 years ago
      Many thanks:
      vintagejewel, and
    11. freiheit freiheit, 7 years ago
      Many thanks, ho2cultcha:)
    12. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      Love it! Similar to mine...

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