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Renaissance Princess by Amphora

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (48 items)

    The Renaissance Princess by Amphora
    Bohemia, circa 1895
    14.5" high

    As with most Amphora portrait decors, this lady was featured on a variety of molds. (I have another posted on Collectors Weekly.) And like most Amphora portraits, we can't be certain of her origin because there are few records from the manufactory that survived or are available. Amphora scholar Byron Vreeland believes the best bet is that a Renaissance princess, real or imagined, was the inspiration. Byron took this photo so she could make an appearance in his latest Amphora book titled Monsters and Maidens: Collector's Edition. I am lucky to have several pieces presented in his book.

    You can see a nice close up of this vase in the dramatic Amphora video. Some sublime Rimsky-Korsakov serves as her soundtrack. Search YouTube for "Amphora Pottery." Also, there is an Amphora Facebook page ( that provides a sweeping survey of Amphora.

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    1. cogito cogito, 12 years ago
      Wonderful example! I thought this one tended to also go by the "Queen of Hearts" because of the heart on her bodice. I really like how the handle gilding and design tie into the gilding at the base of the piece. Forest scene reverse?
    2. AmphoraPottery AmphoraPottery, 12 years ago
      I haven't heard her called Queen of Hearts. Richard Scott, the author of the other Amphora book, calls her Allegory of Russia, although there is no evidence that Amphora called her that. Byron Vreeland told me that for many years some collectors called her the pigtail lady. Like all the Princesses, it's the lavender forest on the top half of the backside and the green background with roses on the bottom half. My other Princess posting on CW has a photo of the back. The photo of this Princess is the only one that Byron took.
    3. AmphoraPottery AmphoraPottery, 12 years ago
      Whoops. My other Princess posting doesn't have a photo of the back. Well, like you see on the front (minus the Princess), the back has the lavender forest on the top half and green with roses on the bottom half.
    4. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      I love your collection...stunning!
    5. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Just beautiful!...:-)
    6. AmphoraPottery AmphoraPottery, 12 years ago
      I added some close-ups.

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