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Schuman Porcelain

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Schumann Porcelain16 of 16Schumann Vintage Candle HolderCarl Schumann Dish from the Early 1900's
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1224 items)

    I started collecting Schuman porcelain several years ago. It used to be easy to find different patterns and shapes but recently it has become more difficult for me to get my hands on pieces that are still in excellent condition and reasonably priced.
    The porcelain mark on this bowl indicates that it was made between 1918-1929. The Schuman company closed its doors in 1994, so, by definition, that makes almost every piece a vintage piece, I think.

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. freiheit freiheit, 12 years ago
      Thanks a lot mustangtony:)

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