Posted 12 years ago
(73 items)
When I saw this little gem at the local flea-market this spring, I had to bring it home! It just screams 60's-70's chopper! Back in the day, if you didn't have one of the old plastic "Big-Wheels" pedal trikes yourself, you probably knew a kid somewhere that did. But this little AMF-Junior Hot-Seat trike would have been less common. I'd never seen one of these back then. It's crusty & sweaty, but fully functional and it was way too cool to leave it behind at the market, my work-shop it ended up!
Thank you Amber!
Some lucky little "easy-rider" must have had a ton of fun with back in the day!
I was one of the "lucky easy riders" who owned one of these as a kid. My parents bought it for me for my 5th B'day (circa Jan. 1974), and I rode it EVERYWHERE!! We lived in a huge trailer park at the time, and I rode it all over the place. I've looked for years for one, but all the ones I've found are restored and way out of my budget. If you'd like to sell it to somebody who would restore it, and then cherish it forever (it would never, ever be sold), I would be interested.
Mine was red, with a red flamed tank and flames on the rear fenders (decals). They also made an Evil Knevil version... which turns up every now & then.
Hi Leftyizme,
Thanks for the comment! Sounds like you had a ton of fun with yours. Sorry to say that I had sold this one a couple weeks before I posted it on here. I don't try to sell on here, just post & share. I'd love to see one of these in that Evel Knievel version!
The listing has ended, it sold for $555 But if you scroll down the page, there are a great set of pictures...
This one would have been WAY out of my price range!! But it was in excellent condition, and would have made anyone a fine addition to their collection.
Wow! That little Knievel trike is the coolest!
Thanks for the link info to the pics!
My pic is me on mine im looking for one to buy for my son tons of memories on mine if you ever come across another or have info you can give on who bought this one from you please let me know thx great find
Cool pic! Not sure if I'll find another, but you never know.
Thanks for the comment!
Loved the one I had back the. Would love to have another one.
ts on just popped up on ebay
I have one in excellent condition! Mine hs been in my basement for 20 years and it has very little rust or dirt on it. It is beautiful and I would love to show you a picture of it. I can not seem to up load one here but email me at and I will send you a picture
I am amazed. I always tell my friends the story of how I wanted a big wheel by got this thing called a chopper. No one seemed to know what it looked like even when I explained it. Wow I'll have to show my Dad he'll get a kick out of it, he use to tell me my chopper was better than big wheels and I have to say he was right best power slide on my block. Hey thanx for a great post brings back really good memories.
Glad to here you enjoyed it Phlipside, & Thanks for the comment.