JJansen » collections

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loves (589)

Lenox Silver Overlay Demitasse Coffee/Teapot set - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Silver Overlay Tea Set ~ Maker? - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Sterling silver tea set and platter - Silverin Silver
Gorham Silver Tea Set - Silverin Silver
Vintage Cast Iron Horse Head Andirons - Animalsin Animals
Dynasty Gallery Glass snowy owl  - Animalsin Animals
Kirk's Folly parrot  - Animalsin Animals
DeRosa Rinconada kitten  - Animalsin Animals
Regency brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Antique Equestrian Riding Themed Inkwell - Pensin Pens
Morse Medal - NYU - 1963 - Medals Pins and Badgesin Medals Pins and B…
Canadian hat badge - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
The Centennial Award Medal - Telephonesin Telephones
Basket Weave with Applied Flowers - Dresden Porcelain - Potteryin Pottery
Antique Porcelain German Figurine - Figurinesin Figurines
Dresden A. Lamm porcelain letter holder - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Dresden A. Lamm small plate  - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Meissen and Dresden porcelain cherub figurines  - Figurinesin Figurines
Elegant "Dresden" Serving Dish / Hand Painted Floral and Gilt Design /Dresden Crown and "H" Mark Unknown Age - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Beautiful Pair of " Von Scheirholz "Porcelain Compotes/Plaue, Thuringia, Germany/ Circa 1930's-1940's - Figurinesin Figurines
Dresden Porcelain Netting lidded Urn by Helena Wolfsohn C1850 - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Max Roesler RMR (Blue Mark) DRESDEN Porcelain Woven Basket w/ Gilt Gold Handle - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
Antique Cast Iron English Bulldog Andirons - Animalsin Animals
NRA "Sit Perpetuum" Medal - Alexander Graham Bell Match - Telephonesin Telephones
W-GERMANY BAY KERAMIK 'PORTUGAL' - 503-17. - Mid-Century Modernin Mid-Century Modern
Czech Diamond Bubble Vases 
art nouveau decanter and glasses  - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
Very Intrigued and no expert - silver Clothes Brush  - Accessoriesin Accessories
Bohemian Art Nouveau Secessionist green vase with gilded decoration - Riedel? - Art Glassin Art Glass
Mid- to Late-1970s Nestle/Nescafé World Globe Frosted Glass Coffee Mug - Glasswarein Glassware
Thier, Kraus, & Beam ring - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Allsopp Bros. corp ring  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Victorian diamond quilted rainbow satin glass squat vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Hazel Atlas Mid-Century "Tally Ho" Cocktail Shaker and Four Glasses - Glasswarein Glassware
Vintage Tunisian Handcrafted Birdcage - Furniturein Furniture
Victorian Etched Mercury Glass Vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Sterling silver earings!  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Jay Flex sterling brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Vintage Jay-Flex Brooch, Canadian Jeweler, Circa 1930-50 - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Antique Silver Pendant - Arts and Craftsin Arts and Crafts
Gladys and Charles Mumford Silver Bracelet - Arts and Craftsin Arts and Crafts
Antique/Vintage Silver Purse Compact. - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
Victorian Condiment bowls - Glasswarein Glassware
Vintage ink pen desk set - Pensin Pens
Weather Barometer - Tools and Hardwarein Tools and Hardware
American Institute - The Telephone Company of New York - 1877 The Medal of Progess - Telephonesin Telephones
Sanger Telephone Company Pin - Telephonesin Telephones
Vintage necklace  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Vintage Bracelet  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Antique Bowl  - Kitchenin Kitchen
Victorian diamond quilted rainbow satin glass rose bowl with a UV surprise - Art Glassin Art Glass
The Alexander Graham Bell Medal - Telephonesin Telephones
Limoges 24’tall Porcelain Cobalt Blue With 22k Gold Trim - Furniturein Furniture
Limoges Pedestal Tea Set. Exquisite Gilt Gold Floral Motif. Early 1900's - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
Tango poster 
White Jade Pendant - Asianin Asian
Vintage hand held mirror   - Accessoriesin Accessories
Ethnographic carved spoon and fork - Asianin Asian
Keystone Telephone Pin - Telephonesin Telephones
Bohemian Art Nouveau iridescent glass vase - Rindskopf - Art Glassin Art Glass
TIFFANY & CO "GRAND RESONATOR"  - Wristwatchesin Wristwatches
Unsigned rhinestone collar - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Loetz Internally Decorated Vases (pair), a newly discovered decoration using a patented technique, ca. 1936 - Art Glassin Art Glass
Castlecliff brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Fitz & Floyd glass clown fish  - Animalsin Animals
Gem-Craft tiger  - Animalsin Animals
FM Konstglas penguin  - Animalsin Animals
835 silver, bomber pilots image cufflinks - Accessoriesin Accessories
50's Vintage SWANK silver/glass antique-style STREET LAMP Cufflinks - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Original Alfred Dunhill 925 Silver Cufflinks - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Vintage silver Onyx cufflinks - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Glass container with silver top, unknown maker - Silverin Silver
Mystery Heineken Sterling Silver "CHAIRMAN" Cufflinks - Accessoriesin Accessories
Silver cuff link - Silverin Silver
Antique  1906 Sterling Silver Fox Inkwell By A. Barrett & Sons, London - Pensin Pens
Milwaukee Sentinel Captain's Badge - Paperin Paper
Large Glass or Crystal Box - Glasswarein Glassware
Unusual Vase - Please Help - Art Decoin Art Deco
Sklo Union, Pressed Glass Vase Designed by Rudolf Jurnikl in 1963, Made at Rudolfova Hut - Art Glassin Art Glass
Jay Flex sterling brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Bond Boyd sterling shamrock  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Murrle Bennett Silver Enamel Pendant - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
Antique Portuguese Filigree silver Goan Box. - Silverin Silver
Silver Cigarette Case or Card Case by Heinrich Levinger  - Tobaccianain Tobacciana
Silver chain and pendant by Norman Grant - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Large Sterling Pendant and Earrings - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Cranberry Glass Pickle Castor and Condiment Jar  - Victorian Erain Victorian Era
Portuguese 833 Silver Large Vintage Plate - Silverin Silver
Louis Kuppenheim Silver, Ruby Cigarette Case - Tobaccianain Tobacciana
Amy Sandheim Silver Spoon - Silverin Silver
Bernard Instone Enamel Cufflinks - Art Decoin Art Deco
Bohemian Art Nouveau opalescent iridescent pulled loop decor glass vase - Rindskopf? - Art Glassin Art Glass
Blenko elephant bookend  - Animalsin Animals
Wedgwood Glass pig  - Animalsin Animals
Lunar Year of the Snake 2025  - Animalsin Animals
Swarovski starfish  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Cincinnati & Suburban Bell Telephone Pin - Telephonesin Telephones
Antique 1798 Samuel Pemberton Sterling Silver Nutmeg Grater - Silverin Silver
Weapons Wednesday Vietnam War Era BOC M7 Bayonet - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
Carved Jade pendant of dragon - Asianin Asian
Roman glass style  - Glasswarein Glassware
Antique or Reproduction, Spanish or Italian or ? - Furniturein Furniture
1930s Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. "True Value" Pocket Tinners' Snips/Shears - Tools and Hardwarein Tools and Hardware
Large Welz Basket - Art Glassin Art Glass
antique silver leaft brooch pendant with golden monogramm - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Vintage Great Owl Brooch, Alpaca Silver Mexico - Animalsin Animals
International Silver Co India - Silverin Silver
Japanese Satsuma Vase - Asianin Asian
Small Welz vase with painted/enamelled decoration - Art Glassin Art Glass
Georgian Rummer/wine glass 
Baccarat XIX siècle glass candle holder - Art Glassin Art Glass
My 13th piece by Beyermann&Company! - Art Glassin Art Glass
Antique painting  - Fine Artin Fine Art
Kosmopolit (Cosmopolitan) typewriter, German (1888) - Officein Office
Grand-father's motor show pocket watch. - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
A poor antique moonstones and gold fringe necklace. - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Sterling marcasite panthers on globe brooch  - Art Decoin Art Deco
FM Konstglas mouse  - Animalsin Animals
Vintage Mexican Bracelet with Amethysts  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
One More Mexican Vintage Necklace - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Snuff Shoe Box With Silver Inlay - Tobaccianain Tobacciana
Sherlock Holmes Silver Medal 1971 The Scandalous Bohemians of New Jersey  - Advertisingin Advertising
Kralik Golden Iridescent Martele Pattern?  - Art Glassin Art Glass
Ruckl Yellow Vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
"Grinter Glass" Vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Silver Chinese Baptismal Spoon 1904 Augusto Rato Potier - Silverin Silver
Chinese Silver Christening Dish 1904 Augustus Rato Potier - Silverin Silver
Chinese Silver Napkin Ring Augusto Rato Potier - Silverin Silver
Silver Over Iron Early 1900s Spaniel Dog - Animalsin Animals
Ganesha - Asianin Asian
Amy Sandheim Silver Fork - Art Decoin Art Deco
Amy Sandheim Silver Caddy Spoon - Silverin Silver
Victorian Gold Diamond Bangle - Victorian Erain Victorian Era
1929 Jennings Brothers Silver Plated Skye Papillon Terrier Bookends  - Animalsin Animals
Guernsey by Mosser Glass rocking horse  - Animalsin Animals
Liz Claiborne hummingbird  - Animalsin Animals
Murano Glass duck  - Animalsin Animals
Weiss brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Old CD  - Recordsin Records
Vintage wide Bangle  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Unusual Vintage Bangle  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Cast Iron Galloping Horse Bookends - Animalsin Animals
Victorian opaline glass vase with hand painted decoration of cherries - Art Glassin Art Glass
Does anyone know about this  - Potteryin Pottery
Glass pear - Art Glassin Art Glass
Small glass ashtray, Vincenzo Nason, Murano - Art Glassin Art Glass
Real or fake? - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
Vintage steam trunk 
Studying Loetz Ground Colors! - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
Slag glass lamps - Lampsin Lamps
Loetz: Delphi decor, 1899 - Art Glassin Art Glass
Robert Pringle & Sons Solid Silver Cigarette Case - Tobaccianain Tobacciana
Vintage Italian Silver Compact - Accessoriesin Accessories
Bernard Instone Set of Silver Enamel Spoons - Arts and Craftsin Arts and Crafts
Large Vase With Green Drops - Art Glassin Art Glass
Large Thorn Vases - Art Glassin Art Glass
Hoglund Art Glass Vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Vintage Bangle  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Victorian Bakelite Orb GP Brooch - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Antique painting. Who is this? - Fine Artin Fine Art
Eisenberg Ice brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Artesania Rinconada lion cub  - Animalsin Animals
Napier abalone dragonfly  - Animalsin Animals
Robin Lehman Glass multi fish paperweight  - Animalsin Animals
Mid-Century Modern Boomerang Coffee Table - Furniturein Furniture
Antique Bracelet  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Vintage Bangles - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Welz with Wings - Art Glassin Art Glass
Antique 1890's Silver Plated Plewkiewicz W Warszawie Knife Set - Silverin Silver
Charles Rennie Mackintosh silver earrings identification ? - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Bohemian Art Nouveau green iridescent glass vase - Welz Maze - Art Glassin Art Glass
Small Welz Basket - Art Glassin Art Glass
Small porcelain dish and I Can’t figure this one out… - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Shades of grey - Mid-Century Modernin Mid-Century Modern
Vintage Bangle  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Vintage chopper  - Kitchenin Kitchen
Vintage engraved glass - Bottlesin Bottles
Garna oil painting - Fine Artin Fine Art
Victorian uranium custard glass mini epergne trumpet vase with spatter coil - Art Glassin Art Glass
Bronze Sculpture  - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
Vintage map 
Vintage lithograph picture  
Antique engraving  
Tony Kuepfer, Inglewood? - Art Glassin Art Glass
Alexander McQueen "Sarabande" Chrome Mannequin - Fine Artin Fine Art
Large Welz Basket - Art Glassin Art Glass
Awaji Island seven lucky gods ceramic plaque - Asianin Asian
Small bonsai pot - Asianin Asian
Lydia E. Pinkham - Vegetable Compound - 1984 - Advertisingin Advertising
SINGER Ribbonaire fan - Tools and Hardwarein Tools and Hardware
Antique watch fobs. Anyone know how old they are? 
Regency brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Dynasty Gallery Glass flamingo  - Animalsin Animals
Bob Mackie giraffe  - Animalsin Animals
Pair of hedgehogs  - Animalsin Animals
Antique Solid Copper TweedleDee And TweedleDum 
Sampson Mordan Victorian Inkwell - Officein Office
Victorian “Stevens&William” Cranberry Glass Epergne and a Silver-plate-mount, Late 1800 - Art Glassin Art Glass
  Wilcox Victorian Silverplated Porcupine Toothpick Holder - Kitchenin Kitchen
Victorian silverplate basket - Victorian Erain Victorian Era
Victorian Silver and glass table set - Victorian Erain Victorian Era
Four Victorian Silver Gilt Sugar Sifter Spoons Boxed by William Comyns 1889  - Victorian Erain Victorian Era
Iridescent Flower Vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Funny bowl gains a boat! - Glasswarein Glassware
Small Ewer Made in Czechoslovakia - Potteryin Pottery
Small Cut Glass and Gilded Vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Vintage or Antique Biscuit Jar - Marked K & P - Kitchenin Kitchen
Help Needed:  925 WW China? - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Seikosha wall clock - Clocksin Clocks
Loetz Metallic Yellow Phänomen Genre II-2/314, ca. 1902, with Alvin Sterling Overlay - Art Glassin Art Glass
unsigned heavy swirled iridescent vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Antique Gorham Sterling Silver  Personal Nutmeg Grater - Silverin Silver
Artwork Asian? PHOENIX BIRD - Asianin Asian
Vintage oil painting  - Fine Artin Fine Art
Stained Glass Panel in the Style of Alphonse Mucha - Art Glassin Art Glass
Tony Kuepfer Paper Weight - Art Glassin Art Glass
Todays Tony Kuepfer Glass Plant items out in the sun - Art Glassin Art Glass
BETO Taxco Mexico Sterling Pendant - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Vintage old india Government of Maharashtra Milk Scheme Metal Milk Card - Asianin Asian
1970's 1980's Original ivory tusk 15gm Professional Carrom Striker - Asianin Asian
Victorian blue & white cased crackle glass vase - Bohemian I think... - Art Glassin Art Glass
Bergdala Glass pig  - Animalsin Animals
Giovanni angelfish  - Animalsin Animals
Boyd Glass panda  - Animalsin Animals
Happy New Year CW  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Sakazuki style metal sake cup and box. - Asianin Asian
Japanese wooden Kabuki head box. - Asianin Asian
One Light French Empire Style "Boudoir" Tent & Bag Chandelier - Lampsin Lamps
Ceramic plate? Turkish? - Potteryin Pottery
Lötz: for Max Schwarz 1899 to 1904 - Art Glassin Art Glass
Vintage Dubarry Compact with enamelling by Bernard Instone - Accessoriesin Accessories
Silver french Indochina repousse cuff bracelet. - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Clearest pics for mysterious barbotine basket! - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
brass palm tree lamp - Lampsin Lamps
Bohemian Art Nouveau iridescent glass vase with corded decoration - Art Glassin Art Glass
French silver medal commemorating one milliard pouds petroleum extracted by Nobel brothers society. - Petrolianain Petroliana
Who knows the maker of these novelty paste pieces???? - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Huge Austro-Hungarian pendant St Georges and dragon. - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Vintage ink pen desk set - Pensin Pens
Brown & Sharpe 559 surface square - Tools and Hardwarein Tools and Hardware
Tiny wee salt! - Glasswarein Glassware
Small Bowl with a Tail - Art Glassin Art Glass
Egyptian Revival Filigree and Beads Bracelet (I think) - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Liquid Silver Necklace – 20 Strands, about 24 Inches - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Sterling Bird Pin - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Mexican Sterling and Glass Pendant (foiled harlequin art glass) - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Sterling Silver Tea Strainer - Silverin Silver
Summit Glass lion  - Animalsin Animals
Danecraft carousel horse  - Animalsin Animals
Fitz & Floyd Santa  - Christmasin Christmas
Monet poinsettia brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Old French battery operated clock  - Clocksin Clocks
Vintage Chinese painting ?  - Asianin Asian
Bottle-shaped trinket box - Bottlesin Bottles
Japanese bunny koma (spinning top) - Asianin Asian
Presidential Sweets 
Art Glass Bowl - Art Glassin Art Glass
Pastel Blue and Cream Vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Seguso Dolphins - Art Glassin Art Glass
Wm. A Rogers Silver Plate Bride's Basket Made in Canada - Silverin Silver
Vintage Sterling and Rhinestone Bracelet Marked F.S. Ster. - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Pink Glass Compote/Candle Holder With Grape Accents Salviati (?) - Art Glassin Art Glass
Victorian Lamp With Hand-Painted Roses - Lampsin Lamps
Early 1800s Antique Brass Spiked Dog Collar "S. Savage Weston Point, UK" - Animalsin Animals
Sterling bull brooch  - Animalsin Animals
Sterling abalone shark brooch  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Liberty 18ct White Gold Moonstone and Diamond Brooch - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Silver Bernard Instone Earrings. - Arts and Craftsin Arts and Crafts
Maybe Czech necklace  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Vintage Florenza brooch - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Gold Star Pen Co. Cloisonné Enameled Ballpoint Pen - Asianin Asian
1979 Ms. Parker Sterling Steel GT Fountain Pen by Emilio Pucci, with Original Carrying Pouch - Pensin Pens
Art Deco O Tupton piece  - Art Decoin Art Deco
Soga hand painted fish plate and bowl, Japan. - Art Glassin Art Glass
Antique Victorian Hair Comb - Accessoriesin Accessories
Hand Painted Glove Box Early 1900s - Accessoriesin Accessories
Reed & Barton Silver Plated Calling Card Tray - Silverin Silver
Dutch Silver Hallmarked Sterling Silver Tea Strainer 1909 - Silverin Silver
1940' gilded silver and rhinestones lattice big bow brooch.  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Antique silver repoussé lapis Asian cuff bangle, kyratised. - Asianin Asian
Antique silver and paste earrings... kyratised! - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Antique Victorian Scottish silver and jasper frog brooch.  KYRATISED! - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Dockyard Glassworks angelfish  - Animalsin Animals
Attwood & Sawyer turtle brooch  - Animalsin Animals
Langham Glass robin on snowy branch  - Animalsin Animals
Continental brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Wylie Ponder etched vase. - Art Glassin Art Glass
Decanter or vase with stopper ? - Art Glassin Art Glass
Ventage clutch - Bagsin Bags
Dumbwaiter  - Advertisingin Advertising
Another rather unique baby spoon - Silverin Silver
Gerber baby spoons - Silverin Silver
Vintage Sherman Brooches - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Sherman Vintage Brooch - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Tea Cup Holder - Silverin Silver
Trinket or Dresser Box - Art Decoin Art Deco
Extremely Large Vintage (?) Ring - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Victorian Vase with applied Cherry Blossoms - Art Glassin Art Glass
Glass Plater by David Traub - Art Glassin Art Glass
Garry Nash Paperweight - Art Glassin Art Glass
another Blue and Clear Tripod Vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Unknown Loetz decor from the Art Deco period - Art Decoin Art Deco
Royal Albert - Lady Carlyle - Afternoon Tea II - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Vintage necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Lötz: "Olympia" Perfume bottle before 1900 - Art Glassin Art Glass
Canadian Provinces - Royal Darwood - Made in England - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Grafofoni Advertising Clock - Clocksin Clocks
Peach Blow Vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Bernard Instone Ring - Arts and Craftsin Arts and Crafts
Vintage-antique Asian repoussé chazed silver open bangle, chubby fishes! - Asianin Asian
Silver Salts by George Nathan & Ridley Hayes  - Silverin Silver
Sterling dragonfly brooch  - Art Decoin Art Deco
Marcel Boucher Rhinestone Brooch - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Battle Of Trafalgar Teapot By Sadler - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Silver and marcasites pendant/brooch watch. - Art Decoin Art Deco
Help needed! Knoll&Pregizer and mysterious maker!Two paste and sterling brooches,  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Art Glass Bowl - Art Glassin Art Glass
John Dixon & Son silver plated writing set - Pensin Pens
I need to identify  
LE Smith Glass rabbit covered dish  - Animalsin Animals
Maresco elephant brooch  - Animalsin Animals
Fenton Glass bird - Animalsin Animals
Alex Ani brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Simon Bull Tulip 
Thomas Kinkade - Moonlight Cottage - Kitchenin Kitchen
Welz goblet style vase on three ribbed ball feet - Art Glassin Art Glass
Flower pattern serving plate  - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Repurposed  from the bottle dump - Animalsin Animals
Vintage 1958 mystery plaque... Can anyone ID it? - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
Shatz 400 day clock in perfect condition. - Mid-Century Modernin Mid-Century Modern
St John ,Gables  - Furniturein Furniture
Lovely Hand Painted Old Vase - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Mid-Century Modern Brooch - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Pair of Cased and Hand Decorated Vases - Glasswarein Glassware
Silver Cigarette Case by Joseph Kopf - Tobaccianain Tobacciana
Bernard Instone Silver Pocket Watch Charm - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Bernard Instone Silver Caddy Spoon. - Art Decoin Art Deco
Dugan And Diamond Twig Vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Adjustable Standing Candelabrum From High Street Charleston SC - Lampsin Lamps
Asian Carved and Painted Screen/ Room Divider With Foo Dog Supports - Asianin Asian
"Spirit Of St. Louis" Tin Friction Airplane - Toysin Toys
 Art Deco Borzoi Russian Wolfhound brooch marked 935 and Lotus - Art Decoin Art Deco
Information - Wristwatchesin Wristwatches
1907 Lady Waltham Pocket Watch - Pocket Watchesin Pocket Watches
Art Glass Swirl Vase. Signed on Base. Help w/Signature Needed. - Art Glassin Art Glass
A beautiful Nippon Noritake Vase - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Welz J.I.P. vase on three ribbed ball feet - Art Glassin Art Glass
Renaissance Madonna music + jewelery box - Accessoriesin Accessories
Bohemian Art Nouveau opalescent pink glass vase with applied orchid & issues - Kralik I think - Art Glassin Art Glass
Beyermann&Company! My 12th piece! With an original paper label! "Parisiana B&Co"... Do you know it?  - Art Glassin Art Glass
Welz Fairy Lamp - Art Glassin Art Glass
Austro Hungarian Antique enameled  ST GEORGE slaying the DRAGON STERLING PENDANT - Victorian Erain Victorian Era
Lovely Vintage Enameled Glass Vase - Glasswarein Glassware
Pair of Victorian Glass Jugs - Art Glassin Art Glass
Antique Victorian Skirt Lifter - Accessoriesin Accessories
Stick pins! - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Sting mood, diamond fly stick pin. - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Jay Flex sterling vermeil brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Coro sterling WW2 patriotic pin  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Vintage Mexico  Handmade Sterling 925 Silver Dog Brooch With Moveable Tail Stamped Mexico 925  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Sterling Silver Hand Mirror Chester England 1903 Ward Bros. Beliserio Montero, Argentine Ambassador to Belgium Family - Accessoriesin Accessories
Pendant - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Jakob Bengel Chrome Necklace - Art Decoin Art Deco
Silver Cuff Braclet  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Silver plated shaker - Silverin Silver
Vintage Sterling Silver Charm Bracelet - Silverin Silver
Battersea Shield pewter brooch by St. Justins of Cornwall - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
M V Vellano fan brooch - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Italian art glass ashtray, 1950s - Art Glassin Art Glass
Murano (?) bottle - Art Glassin Art Glass
Murano Happy Clown,Circa 1960-70 - Art Glassin Art Glass
Murano Venetian Goldoni dancers  - Art Glassin Art Glass
Murano Vaseline Heron - Art Glassin Art Glass
Signed Livio Seguso Murano Glass Love birds sculpture - Art Glassin Art Glass
Tiffany Tree - Art Glassin Art Glass
Meyle and Mayer bumble bee hat pin - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Antique Sugar Bowl with Dutch Harbor View, second time - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
Huge art nouveau silver rose stem brooch, signed Lexcellent. - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Twisted square Art Nouveau Vase,  1900s Karl Pohl (Novy Bor)  - Art Glassin Art Glass
 Art Nouveau Souvenir from Hahnenklee im Harz - Art Glassin Art Glass
Antique Cup & Saucer  - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Art Vannes pink vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Mystery Pottery - Is it Roseville or McCoy? - Potteryin Pottery
Victorian Era Baby Ring 
Chippendale style mahogany lamp or wine table ... - Furniturein Furniture
Sherman brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
HAPPY THANKSGIVING  - Animalsin Animals
Napier owl brooch  - Animalsin Animals
Murano Glass dog  - Animalsin Animals
Vintage Fine Silver Necklace marked .800 & C.S. on inner clasp marked "amoi" on outer clasp - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
KOOKABURRA TOAST RACK - 1925 - Kitchenin Kitchen
Dutch silver large spoon  - Silverin Silver
Sterling Silver and Glass Card Box - Cardsin Cards
Antique Sterling Silver Tea Strainer With Bagpipe Motif - Silverin Silver
Vintage earring’s & Bangle - Silverin Silver
Stuttgart, Germany Mug  - Kitchenin Kitchen
My two China dolls  - Dollsin Dolls
Art Vannes (?) glass ashtray - Art Glassin Art Glass
Recognize who made this? - Art Glassin Art Glass
Bakhtiari rug ... - Rugs and Textilesin Rugs and Textiles
Welz Basket   - Art Glassin Art Glass
Damaged Scottish leaf brooch rebirth! - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Loetz  Phänomen Genre 1/473 with Sterling Overlay - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
Vintage silver brooch  - Silverin Silver
Silver-caged vase, 4 1/2" tall, marked STERLING, KIE, 196, 83-187  - Art Glassin Art Glass
Augusto Rato Potier Sterling Silver Chinese Baptismal Cup 1904 - Silverin Silver
Sterling silver tribal style salt and peppers - Silverin Silver
Reja sterling camel brooch  - Animalsin Animals
Vintage silver ring - Silverin Silver
Xuande Mark 18th/19th C. Chinese Brass Bowl    Translate to English  - Asianin Asian
Iridescent Federal Mug with Raised Tavern Scene - Brewerianain Breweriana
Thames Glass fish  - Animalsin Animals
Monet seahorse  - Animalsin Animals
Dynasty Gallery Glass starfish paperweight  - Animalsin Animals
Danecraft shell brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Victorian lime green swirled satin glass fairy lamp - Art Glassin Art Glass
Old vase? 
Glass vase 
Silver turtle "box"!? 1950/60 - Furniturein Furniture
Sterling Filigree ?Bedouin Necklace - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Vintage heart pendant  - Silverin Silver
Chinese Antique Silver Fruit Form Hinged Box - Asianin Asian
Pottery Mouse - Potteryin Pottery
Antique Nippon Moriage Gilded Floral Swan Vase - Asianin Asian
The Who - Live Nation Merchandise - 2001 - Kitchenin Kitchen
Hanaire by Iwata Hisatoshi, circa 1960s - Art Glassin Art Glass
Brooch seed pearls - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
Unique Multi Tone Mod Ring  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Kurata pulled handkerchief vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Vintage necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Antique Pottery Vase - Potteryin Pottery
Shino Pussy Willow vase, Kikyoya kiln, Mino Yaki - Asianin Asian
Khmer style protective naga serpant - Asianin Asian
Kralik Rose Bowl  - Art Glassin Art Glass
Continental brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Langham Glass fawn  - Animalsin Animals
Anne Klein elephant under palms  - Animalsin Animals
Fostoria Glass duckling  - Animalsin Animals
Vintage Glass necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Frosted pastel Juliana Necklace - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Vintage Glass bead necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Uranium glass - Art Decoin Art Deco
Kralik ? - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
Vintage necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Mashiko square plate - Asianin Asian
Vintage necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Peacocks in Tree Glass Bowl - Art Glassin Art Glass
Boda Glass Champagne or Dessert Coupes  - Art Glassin Art Glass
Vintage stone necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Vintage necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
1800's Finely Carved Wood Purse? Sewing Pouch?  - Bagsin Bags
 I’m a little fuzzy,,it all happened a little after three ,officefersir  
Vintage (?) elephant candle holder - Asianin Asian
antique decorated chinese porcelain bowl/dish - Asianin Asian
Japanese Satsuma Gilt Pitcher - Asianin Asian
Vintage / Antique Native American Sterling Silver Bracelet  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Silver Japan Torii gate money clip, date range help - Asianin Asian
Japanese Cloisonné   - Asianin Asian
TE marked pottery vase - Potteryin Pottery
Maker Identification of Glass/Crystal Cross of Lorraine Propaganda Candlesticks Baccarat?? - Art Glassin Art Glass
FM Konstglas koala  - Animalsin Animals
Gem-Craft tiger  - Animalsin Animals
LE Smith Glass sparrow  - Animalsin Animals
Veterans Day wishes  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Jadite Base - Stacked Glass - Frosted Owl Lamp - Nightlight - Glasswarein Glassware
Sherman clear cuff bracelet - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Vintage Costume Jewelry Set from The U.S. Capitol Historical Society - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
A Pair of 18k Gold & Horn Bill Earrings. - Asianin Asian
 Chinese Celadon blue and white ginger jar.  - Asianin Asian
Wonky Japanese cup - Asianin Asian
Bohemian Art Nouveau iridescent crackle glass vase - Kralik - Art Glassin Art Glass
Micro Mosaic Mandoline little Brooch - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Bowl - China and Dinnerwarein China and Dinnerw…
Amanda Angus Glass Bowl - Art Glassin Art Glass
The Bell Emerald Cut Diamond of Lawrence Dale "Larry" Bell and Lucille M. Bell of The Bell Aircraft Company - H W Design 
Czech/Bohemian yellow glass vase with brown veined/trailed decor - Art Glassin Art Glass
A family heirloom from HUART Glass NZ - Art Glassin Art Glass
Cora bracelet and necklace  
Can't identify material heart is made of on 18k 
Sphinx brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Tweedsmuir Glass squirrel  - Animalsin Animals
Vintage cat pins  - Animalsin Animals
HAPPY HALLOWEEN  - Art Glassin Art Glass
Small Victorian Diamond Quilted Vase, - Art Glassin Art Glass
Vintage necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
A. Gaudez sculpture J. B. Hirsch reproduction lamp and Loetz glass shade - Art Glassin Art Glass
Japanese stoneware pitcher - Asianin Asian
Vintage Bead choker necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Porcelain and cord bat theme necklace, Japan - Asianin Asian
Unknown artist - Potteryin Pottery
Art Deco Hickok Pewter Ashtray - Art Decoin Art Deco
Sterling Silver,Marcasite, and Lapis Lazuli Brooch  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Art Deco Sterling Earrings - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Antique pair of chinese bracelets. - Asianin Asian
Happy Pig and Red Monkeys Figurine  - Figurinesin Figurines
Vintage necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
HUTSCHENREUTHER - DEKOR OASIS - Hans Theo Baumann (1924 - 2016) - Mid-Century Modernin Mid-Century Modern
Looking for jnfo - Wristwatchesin Wristwatches
Golden pheasant from Multi Glass Japan - Art Glassin Art Glass
Ditchfield Glasform Apple - Art Glassin Art Glass
Vintage pendant  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Interesting opal ring - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
 Khmer style protective seven-headed Naga - Asianin Asian
Any idea what this is??? - Asianin Asian
What is going on with this vase? Did somebody paint over this? - Asianin Asian
Dynasty Gallery Glass hummingbird  - Animalsin Animals
Anne Klein tropical fish  - Animalsin Animals
Trifari Philippe brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Antique Japanese Inaba Nanaho Cloisonne Bottle Vase - Asianin Asian
Little 5" Azure Blue Asian Vase /Hand Painted Pigeons with Flowers/Unknown Maker and Age - Asianin Asian
Sake bottle - Asianin Asian
1780s Georgian handpainted porcelain cut steel brooch and earrings with mother of pearl back. - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Art Nouveau Plique and Silver Fairy, Likely Meyle and Mayer? - Art Nouveauin Art Nouveau
For Ray. Bernard Instone Enamel Fish - Silverin Silver
Silver sake cups i have - Silverin Silver
Sake Set "Another Mystery Mark" - Asianin Asian
Takehashi Porcelain Crackle Vase  - Asianin Asian
Vintage necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Vintage necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Rare Bourg-en-Bresse Antique Enamel locket and two Brooches  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Vintage Asian Heavy beaded Necklace,Jadite,Marble? - Asianin Asian
Vintage necklace  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Napier rooster brooch  - Animalsin Animals
Jay Flex sterling brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Japanese disease/bad luck prevention amulets - Asianin Asian
Vintage Japanese tea pot  - Asianin Asian
Takahashi Etude vase  - Asianin Asian
Help identifying artist? - Asianin Asian
Vintage earrings  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Garden City Glass, Skagway Alaska Art Glass Vase. Handblown Textured Colorful Swirl  9-3/4" - Art Glassin Art Glass
Hand painted women on purple vase - Art Glassin Art Glass
Antique Brooch  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Anne Klein abalone shell  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Danecraft starfish brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
"Now" meoto yunomi - Asianin Asian
Rare Antique Micro Mosaic Brooch - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Meoto yunomi (?) by Murata Toen - Asianin Asian
Georgian Enameled Pendant set in Cut Steel - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Sterling Wax Seal - Officein Office
Articulate Brooch & Earrings. 
brutalist metal sculpture - Fine Artin Fine Art
Czech. Slov. 4 3/4" Ceramic Vase with Three Women & a Cow  - Potteryin Pottery
Heavily decorated porcelain yunomi - Asianin Asian
Enamel and gold Necklace - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Vintage silver ring  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Lovely earrings and Brooch still trying to decipher  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Attwood & Sawyer seal with ball  - Animalsin Animals
Weiss brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Polished stones for jewelry. - Arts and Craftsin Arts and Crafts
Beautiful Locket with Famiy Photos  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Bracelet?  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Pink Dish 
Chinese Sancai Glazed Bisquit Hound Dog. Kangxi Dynasty.  
1920's crystal and sterling silver set. - Art Decoin Art Deco
Some 'Early Loetz Rainbow' Vases. - Art Glassin Art Glass
Japanese kogo - Asianin Asian
Ashtray table lamp, Art Deco? 
Antique looking pendant  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Vintage 800 Silber Jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
B David brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Light up my life and help me identify Maker and material - Tobaccianain Tobacciana
Okinawa awamori flask - Asianin Asian
Indian Summer bugs  - Animalsin Animals
Kramer NY brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Antique fine China  - Asianin Asian
Juliana Leaf brooch - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Ando Jubei cloisonné vase - Asianin Asian
Mechanical Bank - Coin Operatedin Coin Operated
Vintage mens silver Ring  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Unsigned little brooch - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
A French ladies travel bag, 1920’s 
1966 Milton Glazer Bob Dylan Poster 1976 Ron Wood The Music Gig - Posters and Printsin Posters and Prints
Antique earrings  - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Giovanni cardinal  - Animalsin Animals
Sherman brooch  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Vintage silver Bracelet & Brooch  - Silverin Silver
Art glass vases - Art Glassin Art Glass
Sasaki Crystal sake set, Japan - Asianin Asian
Rare Late Edo Period Japanese Koto-Yaki Kotoware Akae Style Vase - Asianin Asian
Display of Part of My Bond Boyd Collection - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
Pearl and crystal brooch. - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
More Art Glass unpacked today. 
Iridescent Art Glass Vase 6.5" Mark Incised into pontil ?? - Art Glassin Art Glass