ginnycripe » collections



i like to collect knives, and dragons


  1. Thank you for the input, my Grandma was getting them when she was out of town visiting her mom. U are more help than you thought lol thanks again
  2. Dont know about value but that issss beautiful....
  3. Ohh my god I have one that looks just like that but she was a girl her name was Adel, thanks that took me back and made me smile!!
  4. I agree Bernadette they are very durable and work well, and I like the way they look also.. I now have my Great Grandmothers and it still works just fine and its in the middle of a red cherry desk, it...
  5. well I have never seen them before and I love dragons it is absoutly beautiful
  6. Thoes are great, and thoes older toys like that are very desired...
  7. It looks like its part of towing to me almost like it would hook on to the ball on the back of a truck or a lawn mower.
  8. Thanks for the tip Ill have to check that out. I was searching on the net lastnight for the black unicorn I have posted and found out that they are actually pretty rare. I also found out that the comp...
  9. See more


Please help me figure out where this German pot came from Circus Toy? Singer portable electric sewing machine No. 99-13
