lilrabbitfoofoo » collections




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upstate NY


  1. The ferrule is the part that touches the ground.
  2. I cant make out what looks like a hallmark, on the last pic, on the lower part of the handle below the spiral?
  3. It seems to be a sectional, made of horn over a central rod. No ferrule takes away just a tad for me, but its beautiful. My guess would be african origin, likely the 20's or so.
  4. I've been doing some searching, it looks a little like William Tonks and Sons trademark, or George Butler's mark. But the sun's rays are missing on the Butler mark, so I'm still looking....
  5. Ahhh, sorry I misunderstood. Those are the initials of the person that owned it most likely. What you're looking for would be teeny, tiny writing, letters or symbols around the base of the handle of t...
  6. Nope, not really. I had one some time back, I'll do some looking and see what I can find. This website might help you on some stuff. It says its for "tableware", but I've found it useful for figuring ...
  7. Going by the end, the ferrule, it COULD be quite old. The general rule of thumb, the longer the ferrule is, the older it is.
  8. Can you get a picture of the marks? I may have an idea about it, but am not sure. LOL Sorry I was so long getting back, I couldn't figure out how to get back to this!
  9. See more
