toledotreasurehunter » collections




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Toledo ohio

33 Year Old Antique Lover. As long as I can remember I have had a passion for Antiquities and Collectibles. Im HOOKED!


  1. Wow, thank you everyone for the information. The size is 2 1/2 inches in diameter. I always figured since it was inside a box full of military items that it had to be military. Either way its a fantas...
  2. miKKoChristmas11, this was found with a huge collection of WW1 and WW2 items in a sealed chest over a year ago. I have done little research about it and figured this would be a great place to try and ...
  3. I love this shipping crate. Would look amazing in someones lure collection for display. But I think with how hungry I am, I love the jar of Jif Peanut Butter even more.
  4. True American Beauty!
  5. Love the first photo. It reminds me of an Era I sometimes wish I grew up in. A time of Respect!
  6. After months of asking around I still have no answer as to what this was used for. It is the largest EGA I have ever seen.
  7. This is Great. I have an Entire room that measures 40ft by 12ft that is furnished with only School house items. Love this Knob!
  8. Thank you kerry10456 and Manikin. Both answers sound logical, hopefully I will find out for certain.
  9. See more


Vintage New York Public School Door Knob My Favorite Kitchen Piece Old Bumpers Drive-in Sign!


Blue Lagoon - D&E for Sarah Coventry Brooch