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WWII Canadian/British Re-issued Helmet

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Military Helmets181 of 3561941 dated C.L./C. flashed to the Winnipeg GrenadiersUSA M1917A1 Steel Helmet
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (63 items)

    Need help with this item.
    I have two Canadian military helmets. One is heavily dented, the other not so bad but covered in an ugly glossy black paint with several colours peeking out from underneath. So I decided to restore the better one with a sanding, re-paint and then swap out the liner and chin strap and have a nice wall piece.
    Before I begin, I notice it has an outline of 'MD' painted below. I carefully sanded a thin layer off only to reveal two diamonds beside the 'MD'. On the back is another diamond with checkered pattern. It also appears the top had a blue oval outlined in red. The entire back ground colour seems to be white. Further sanding is revealing U.S. type flag strips on both sides.

    So, does anyone know anything about helmets painted in this fashion?
    I don't believe it's worth saving because there is just to much missing and near impossible to salvage for posterity.

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    1. kozowy1967 kozowy1967, 10 years ago
      I would say by the lack of chinstrap lug retention rivets that the lugs have been welded on the reverse side if this is the case the Helmet Body was produced in mid 1942 by G.S.W. (General Steel Wares) and will be so marked on the underside near the rear by the rim G.S.W DP&H and will be constructed from mild steel if covered by paint the easiest way to tell will be to see if it is magnetic .
      As to the flashes this is only my best guess I have never seen another like it and I have been collecting Canadian helmets for a number of years now the Canadian Mk II had a very lengthy service life and was used up into the late 1960's by the military until fully being replaced by the US M-1 and was consiquently used by many civilian services post war alike and Civil Defence Networks so IMO possibly a CD Medical Doctors helmet circa 1950/1960's.

      Regards Mark
    2. kanukster kanukster, 10 years ago
      Thanks very much for the information Mark. The helmet is marked G.S.W. DP&H with the welded on chin strap lugs. The internal colour is the typical olive drab. I have a nice chin strap and liner for it. I have since stripped it of it's coat of many colours and will be painting it soon.
      Thanks again, Kevin
    3. kozowy1967 kozowy1967, 10 years ago
      You are welcome Kev I would be intrested in seeing the finished project when you are done.

      Regards Mark

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