Posted 15 years ago
(22 items)
Combine fantasy and a beautiful lady, and you will get a Mermaid!
What better way to honor the Mermaid than to turn her into a corkscrew!
These corkscrews were produced in Germany. You will find many different markings on these. Some simply say "Germany" or "Registered", while some have retailers or exporters names on them.
Here are 3 examples of the celluloid versions. Ivory, Brown and Ivory w/ silver paint. Each one features fine details of the figurine, right down to the very scales!
Some mermaids have been found with metal scales. Super rare and super cool! Blades, foil cutters, and knives have also been discovered on these lovely ladies.
I'm always looking to pick up these girls! Drop me a line and we can make a deal!
Tommy Campnell