Posted 12 years ago
(9 items)
Another enigma in my collection… This picture has no reference of a photographer, and the picture almost looks like a painting…It has very soft lines, and has almost no definition around the face…
Can someone help me to describe this photo?
What is the size of the image?
It could be a photo of a pencil or charcoal portrait.
Scottvez is the man to ask.
It is the size of a carte de visite... yes it could be but i dont think it is...
I will wait for Scottvez´s answer hopefully :)
I'd say it was a copy of a slightly earlier or possibly contemporary artistic portrait. Maybe from an oil painting or portrait miniature. Her style of clothing is close to the beginning era of the CDV.
The book was her showing that she is literate.
Thanks Scott!
That could be a good justification for the image. Thank you!