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Unknown tool's ???

In Folk Art > Wooden Folk Art Objects > Show & Tell and Tools and Hardware > Show & Tell.
Wooden Folk Art Objects691 of 8501920's Wooden Rocking Horse1930's wood carvings by BOB????  folk art
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (17 items)

    These were found at thrift store for $5 pc. Do not have a clue what if any purpose or value they have? Any help would be appreciated...both wood handle's..1 is engraved.

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    1. walksoftly walksoftly, 13 years ago
      How big are they, & what does the bottom end of the handles look like?
      The blade (business end) of the bottom one in first picture is hand forged.
    2. carpenter17, 11 years ago
      They look like ice climbing picks. Just a guess.
    3. rogerww, 9 years ago
      It looks like the one with the light wood handle is an adze blade and the other a pick like blade. The adze blade doesn't look sturdy enough to carve wood. Also the curved handle reminds me of Polynesian or Eskimo tools. If Eskimo they could be for carving ice.

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