Buttafly418 » collections




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Mesa, AZ

I purchased a roll top desk from an online buy and sell app for $30! Amazing deal in itself but because she was moving out of the state the next day and noone had puI purchased a roll top desk from an online buy and sell app for $30! Amazing deal in itself but because she was moving out of the state the next day and noone had purchased some of her other items she just gave me a few other items one of which is this gorgeous carved Chinese I believe to be wine bar that her father who was sitting right there told me his wife had purchased at least 30 years prior. I have no idea of the value but it is a beautiful piece of furniture and to have been given to me for free is simply unbelievable. If anyone might have some idea or any kind of information about it I'd love to know about it. (Read more)


Carved Chinese wine bar? - Asianin Asian