Highway-St.-Christopher » collections




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Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

My name is Highway St. Christopher. I am a Custom Auto Enthusiast owning my own rides and love old signs, lamps, cans and the whole nine yards. I'm the Founder and WMy name is Highway St. Christopher. I am a Custom Auto Enthusiast owning my own rides and love old signs, lamps, cans and the whole nine yards. I'm the Founder and World prez of Bone Yard Kuztoms C.C / 13 (found on facebook under BoneYard Kuztoms) and owner of Last Chance Garage and Casa Del Highway in Manitoba Canada. my collecting started with a few signs i found in my grandpas garage after he passed away. I was 7 then and still have those signs and many others to this day. In my shop and home I have my collection that had turned my 2300 sqft garage into a museum and they make the atmosphere perfect when working on our classic kuztom autos. Almost like my grandpa and the rest of the car gods are there guiding your wrenches in effort to be the best you can be and to create the visions and ideas we all dream about. If you have any questions about any of my items please find me on facebook and ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. peace all. and keep in huntin (Read more)