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Bisque Dolls
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German Dolls
I love vintage and antique dolls, but also unusual things!
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Costume Jewelry
Thank you!
Dav2no1 thank you. I think she might be an early doll. I'm just not finding anything that's anywhere near my doll's diminutive size.
How cute! I didn't know Fenton made a pink Elephant. My twin sister *loves* elephants. I'm looking for a black cat myself.
PhilDMorris... umm, what? This is a scan of the photo without manipulation aside from being cropped. It's not lighter than the original. It's a cabinet card so the photo is mounted on card, and the bu...
Okay. I didn't know that. Thank you.
apostata, that's great. No idea what you're talking about. Probably spam...
Hi there! I bought my mom a piece of Loetz glass a few years ago at a flea market that looks similar to yours. Have you tried using a UV light on your vase? My mom's glows in an interesting way. Kinda...
Newfld, ahh thank you! I had read that the mark started being used in 1918, but couldn't figure it out beyond that. So cool. I think my Grandma used to have one of these. My favorite antique shop wa...
Aww this photo makes me sad now! I recently sold this dolly on ebay :(
Hey there scottvez, I'd love to see those advertisements too. I'll have to post the one I have too. Cool!
Hmm. I've never heard them called that.
You're welcome! I love old photos and cameras.
Hi there! I'm pretty sure what you have there are sometimes called "Crayon Portraits" or enlargements. They started making them in the early days of photography up until the 1920s by making an enlarge...
Mankin, she has a hard plastic head and early vinyl limbs. Cloth body with a round speaker and key. My doll people couldn't IDand were hesitant to open her up. She did make a noise at some point. I re...
Hi! I know you posted this a while back, but I'm wondering where you found your button. Which plantation? I'm from Monmouth County, NJ, about 5 minutes away from where the Battle of Monmouth took plac...
Okay. Porcelain is usually the sign of a 80's-90's mass-produced cheaply made doll. Your doll is nice and all, but it's not old. Good luck on the museum, I guess.
Thanks TreasureTex! Metal detecting sounds like a fun hobby. I do love finding treasures, and I don't mind getting my hands dirty!
Thanks scottvez! It was the first tintype I had bought and I like it because It's interesting and unusual. I agree though with the choice of props. I wasn't sure what he was leaning on at first.
Thank you Trey! He's one of my favorites!
I'm not sure if anyone will see this, but I'm wondering what the legs on this doll are made of? It's hard to figure out. It looks unusual though. I have a few bisque head dolls and they have leather,...
My family has a Glolite Santa too! It is my mom's, she's had it since she was a kid in the 1950s. We use him as a tree topper. He's been in use, year after year. Still lights up and everything. Cool!
Hi paintmeyellow! What a small world! I spoke to you on Reddit a while back about the doll in the second photo. I think I'm ClaraOswald on there or something similar. I knew your name looked famili...
Nice collection of instruments! I have an old autoharp. Apparently it was my dad's. He didn't even know that I had it, and I didn't know that it had been his instrument :) My family also had a u...
Thank you! I think He's the first male doll I've bough.
Thank you!
Thank you, Manikin! I discovered when I brought her home that she also has pierced ears. I made her tiny little earrings. She's quite the fashion plate!
Celine, yes it seems to be original. The only thing that isn't original is the dress and bonnet. They're handmade by a previous owner. Pretty nice work too. I think the body may be by Heinrich Handwer...
Thank you, Manikin!
Okay... after doing a little research and finding another RPPC IN another shop, that must be just what it is. I wonder what the rest of the photo looked like then since this is only the upper right ha...
She's in the dolly shop right now for a good cleaning. Her limbs are early vinyl and her legs had gotten "sticky". They're going to take a look and see what's inside. They said that they might be abl...
Thanks Manikin! I asked all over the place and that seems to be what she is. It seems like she might have been an exclusive for Gimbel's department store. She's all restrung now and looks great.
Thank you!
I found quite a few whistles like yours around. It's a vintage cloisonne (enamel) pendant. They have the full necklaces on etsy.
I looked around and didn't find much on vintage musical mama dolls. I keep seeing this one doll that intrigues me and also has a key wound mechanism. It's the "Schilling Mechanical Talking Doll". This...
Hiya manikin! I haven't checked back here in a while. Yes, I believe her body is original to her. Hmm... I never thought of her being a music box doll. I'll have to try looking that up. I kept thinkin...
Thanks! I had seen these viewers online before, but had never seen one in real life. I just had to have this one. The cards that I got with the viewer are made by the same company, and most are real p...
Nope, I looked through my book several times and there isn't a copyright date of any kind. I just had had the thought to look up the name and address of the bookbinding/publishing company, and it nar...
That's a really nice Photo! I have a picture of the Ringling Bros. Combined Sideshows from 1937 taken by E.J. Kelly. My grandma was a hula girl in the circus and she's in the photo. It's cool to find ...
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