funtocollectglass » collections



Honolulu, Hawaii

I luv going to charity shops because I find FABULOUS items. It's really fun to be on the hunt for something I think someone wants or I like or will sell to someone oI luv going to charity shops because I find FABULOUS items. It's really fun to be on the hunt for something I think someone wants or I like or will sell to someone online. I enjoy researching its history/value but frustrating when cannot be found. That's why collectors weekly is great! (Read more)


  1. If anyone recognizes this skull and knows the name of the creature it belongs to, please share the information with readers on Collectors Weekly. Thanks very much!
  2. Yay, thanks very much!
  3. Need help solving the name of this pattern featuring indented concentric circles.
  4. Are floral cast iron doorstops like mine unusual or common? Does anyone know? Thanks fellow-fans of CW!
  5. Thanks Newfld for the advice. I have been trying to ID it myself but without any success so far! That’s interesting that you describe it as a “sun face.” It never occurred to me. It’s just unusual it ...
  6. If anyone has ever seen one like this please advise. Or if you can ID this please do, thanks very much.
  7. Now what to do with it? Anyone who needs it can have it for just cost of postage.
  8. Tallcakes, thanks very much for solving this mystery! I would never have guessed it’s purpose. Thanks for sharing your knowledge because maybe it helped others too!
  9. If anyone knows something about this item please share your knowledge, thanks!
  10. TallCakes, thanks for identifying my vase! I appreciate the information you provided, aloha, Marisa
  11. Does anyone know the maker of this vase? Thanks for any help.
  12. I’m sorry keramikos; I should have said “guys” or “people” instead of assuming the advice came from males because of Vetraio50’s picture or masculine-sounding monikers. Guilty as charged. And I have t...
  13. CW members are SO COOL and you boys stepping up to help a “not so smart someone” are the proof! Over and out...
  14. So kind of you all to try to help me, thank you! From your emails I think my problem is I only have an iPhone XR and a MacAir laptop to use so I can’t follow your instructions. No mouse to click with...
  15. Sorry, I tried but I’m unable to figure out how to DROP PHOTOS so they show up on the site in Show & Tell. I was able to choose them but how to get them into the box is impossible for me. Frustrating.
  16. Hi all, this is a very tardy reply with photos of my 2 items designed by BJORN WIINBLAD. I hope I’m successful at posting the photos on Collectors Weekly for you! Aloha, Marisa
  17. I luv the blue shades of these glass pieces-they are eye catching!
  18. It looks to me like the prettiest ashtray ever made! Luv the colors...
  19. Wow! So beautiful!
  20. Luv the flowers and the gold. Also think your arrangement looks great against pretty green wall.
  21. Cool looking trunk! Seems it has seen many travels to fun beautiful places—maybe even on the Orient Express Railways...
  22. I see it now! Looks great altogether and I'm very certain fan ended up where it was MEANT TO BE, thanks to CW that brings us all under ONE ROOF AS FRIENDS! Aloha, Marisa
  23. Luv this but I cannot enable the action using my iPad for some reason! Does not respond?
  24. And also have 1979 Weihnachtsteller Rosenthal studio-linie plate Flucht nach Agupten by Bjørn Wiinblad. It’s a very pretty and colorful design of Mary, Jesus and Joseph on a donkey with full moon in b...
  25. I have a demitasse set called GARLAND ROMANCE in the studio-linie for Rosenthal that sent me on quest for info about maker Bjørn Wiinblad...thank you for sharing this.
  26. Luv the fabulous handkerchief glass...very beautiful to look at. As if the creator was trying to capture a happy emotion in glass.
  27. I have a small collection of marble finds from my yard cleaning over past 20 years. Have no idea what are good ones though. Yours looks really pretty and unusual!
  28. Luv the beautiful flowing graceful lines on this nice you get to live with it to enjoy daily!
  29. Wow really pretty things to collect, nice and small too...thanks for sharing with us :)
  30. OMG how cool is this! Terrific picture, thanks much! Someone has a great sense of humor don't they?
  31. BEAUTIFUL--thanks for sharing these great photos with us!
  32. Have tons of respect and admiration for guys who restore old cars and trucks! They are a joy to see!
  33. Luv old cars and trucks and admire anyone who has talent, brains and perseverance to bring them back to life for ALL of us to enjoy! Who can look at them without a HUGE smiles of happiness and appreci...
  34. Fabulous old cars, beautiful lines, puts a smile on your face...
  35. Why thank you SEAN68!
  36. If you touch the closeup photo of the painting on the left side it will enlarge.
  37. Hi there caperkid—the only image I can see is that on the left bottle there is a “B”.
  38. Actually caperkid, there is only one glass, unfortunately. Because nothing like it appears online, I have absolutely no info about its origin. I even suspect it may not have made in America. Could be ...
  39. Yes, it glows under black light. I do think that is the correct era for this piece, thank you. It’s hard to understand why I cannot find anything like it to compare it with and find more info on it. D...
  40. Well yes, that is far away! How cool that Collectors Weekly brings us all together under one roof so to speak!
  41. Are you in Canada? I know postal rate to there is high. Well let's hope I have a buyer who likes this too...racer4four, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! Aloha, Marisa
  42. There is a gold KANO sticker on bottom edge of fan.
  43. My glass fan is 19 1/2" across and about 12" in height with two bamboo & wood strips on two edges that cross at the bottom. There are two red headed flying cranes with black throats, tail feathers, an...
  44. Oh oh cancel my last sentence--just read it is NOT ALLOWED! Can't post my photo either because it will be for sale sometime soon...
  45. I have a beautiful decorative fan shape of this glass with strips of wood to resemble a real fan. It's fabulous. Want to know value if anyone knows...
  46. Wow, so pretty--love the streamlined style!
  47. One piece looks like a handle from a small drawer and the other like the tip of spoon or knife handle? No idea how a bullet looks...
  48. Hi Postcard Collector, I wish it did come from a set then I might have been able to find another online but I've been searching for years and never have. I find its so frustrating not knowing anything...
  49. That is called a CATS EYE from a Pacific Ocean shell--the little door for the shell's resident. Beautiful color.
  50. The frilled tops look like Fenton vases.
  51. See more


Vintage Fish-y Lamp Mystery 1972s mint mark error ddo


posted 2 months ago
