We're Going To Brimfield!

By CollectorsWeekly.com Staff

May 3rd, 2012

This week, a few of us from Collectors Weekly will be in Brimfield, Massachusetts, for the first of this year’s Brimfield Antiques Shows. We’ll be in the Central Park field, booth #58, from Tuesday, May 8 through Friday, May 11. Here’s a map showing the location.

If you are planning to attend Brimfield, please stop by and say hello. We’ve got limited numbers of Collectors Weekly T-shirts (two styles!), three types of buttons (collect ’em all!), and cotton tote bags to help your carry around all your impulse buys.

Hope to see you at the show! Follow our posts on Show & Tell here.

(Photo by James Cogliantry)

One comment so far

  1. Sarah Says:

    Very cool. But May is so darn full already. Maybe 2013.

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