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Sinclair ZX Spectrum

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Computers23 of 397 inch record / Data on a Platter / Technology ? What....The Timex Sinclair 1000 (TS1000)"Computer 1982"
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (25 items)

    Here a nostalgia trip for many of us... I believe is an issue 2 Sinclair ZX spectrum from about 1984(ish) according to wikipedia they sold over 5 million units. When I was a kid these really were the computer to have with versions from 16k followed by 128k remodeled version the 3+. The list of classic games is astounding and these games with their basic graphics and sound are firmly fixed within our modern culture as never getting dated. Their appeal will live on amongst old and young, a true classic game changer....

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    1. Digitali5, 10 years ago
      Nice PatSea, keep it 4ever!
    2. Kydur Kydur, 10 years ago
      I believe the date on this is closer to 1982. I think Sinclair was way more popular in the UK than it was in North America; did you (do you) live in the UK at that time?

      I purchased my first computer in 1983 and don't recall hearing much about the Sinclair. In Canada all the hype was focused on the Commodore64 (which is what I bought) and the nasty huge user flame war between Commodore and Atari users!

      I still have my Commodore64 as well - with all the accessories and modded out to the max. It will never be sold while I'm alive because I doubt anybody could afford the nostalgia tax applied to the purchase price!

      It's true what they say: the first one is always a forever memory.
    3. Digitali5, 10 years ago
      Hi Kydur, thanks for commenting. I am from and live in the UK and you are correct about C64 being more popular in the US and Canada. I had both and loved them equally and still do... never sell childhood stuff you live to regret it..

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