Posted 10 years ago
(942 items)
It's really hard on us old Pump collectors when we find beautiful Gas Pumps like this that are still in use on the Farms. They just don't make things like they use to. Have you noticed? This old Bennett Pump is used regularly and has been since it was built back in 1939-41 sometime. Isn't it amazing how much better Americans built things to last in the Olden Days? Compare this old gas pump to your new "energy saving" washing machine you just bought 3-4 years ago that costs more to repair than it costs to buy a new one! There is nothing quite like quality and this old pump stands as a symbol of what quality looks like. While out hunting Pumps one day a few years back, we talked to a guy who's dad had worked for Sinclair many years back as the local Pump repair man. He became the source for pumps for all the farms and ranches in the area. His son, who lives in Texas, is the source we have for the location and info on many of the old pumps in the area and he knows a lot about the history of the old farm pumps like this one that his dad got for most of the local farms in the area. Keep on Hunting as the Fun is in the Hunt and the Excitement is when you Find something like this in the Wild!
Bennett model 541 a rare pump because of the ad glasses around the top:) I have this pump in my collection!! Awesome find!!!!
Right. It looks like this was Bennetts attempt to compete with the Wayne 70 & Tokheim 39s of the same era. Since the metal is perfect as is the ad glass, it makes this a pretty rare find. Most of what we find out in the wild is "well used" & shows the signs of old age & use.
Love these photo's ! Always enjoy your posts :-)