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Singer Sewing Machine and Case

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Singer Sewing Machines717 of 7191879 Singer Sewing machine tableSinger Sewing Machine  Cert.
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (74 items)

    When you walk into The Society of California Pioneers museum there is a display immediately in front of you with a medley of items that tease you and rope you into the rest of the museum. There are bottles, photos, and other things.

    One of the items in the display is this Singer sewing machine. Beside it is a case, though I'm not sure if they belong together, because the case is a McNally Sewing Machine & Household Specialties Co. I don't know anything about sewing or sewing machines--are the two related? Despite my ignorance about sewing machines, I found this one to be beautifully decorated.

    From my recent trip to the Society of California Pioneers...

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. sewfan, 14 years ago
      I have this machine, but it is much better shape than that one. It was made in New Jersey in 1919. Mine does not have a motor. I don't have the cover for it but the one in the picture says San Francisco so my guess is they don't go together.
    2. bayareamuseums bayareamuseums, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the info, sewfan!
    3. John Rowson, 14 years ago
      I have a portable singer similar to this one only in much better shape. I have the attachments in the original box along with a knee bar. I'd like to sell it but don't know what it is worth. Can anyone help me.
    4. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago

      The above web site does not list a "McNally" sewing maching. My thought is that McNally was a local merchant who put his label above the Singer label much like a car dealer puts their name on a car.

      John you might contact the site and see if they can help with value.
    5. John Rowson, 14 years ago
      Thanks for your response; however, this sewing machine does not have "McNally" on it anywhere. It is a Singer and the rounded wood cover attaches with a lock and key. It was used by the Nuns at a local hospital that has been closed and torn down.
    6. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      Actually the first part of my answer was directed to BAYAREAMUSEUMS comment about the machine and cabinet shown might not belong together. He missed the Singer label on the cabinet and addressed the McNally label, hence my response.

      The website listed is for collectors so might be of some help. Here is the Sin website.
    7. jo Tanenbaum, 14 years ago
      I posted a comment yesterday, but it is not up there. Here it is again:

      I have a portable singer sewing machine #g0937533- does this number indicate the year when it was made or what? Thank you.
    8. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      Jo , if your machine is a Singer there is a site you can go to on the interent to find out how old your machine is . I do not remember the name of the site , but if you google " Dating Singer Sewing Machine " you will find it .
    9. Lynette Pinker, 14 years ago
      - I have a singer with YB..... and it is not the usual motor as it has 2 battery shape parts screwed onto the lowering attachment for your motor. Why do I have the usual motor plus these 2 battery shapes, made in gold stamp on one.???? It has a wire going to the lubricant hole on the motor - strange??
    10. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      Jo Tanenbaum - your machine G0937533 should be a Singer model 66 from a batch of 35,000 commissioned July 8 1924, made in Elizabethport New Jersey.
    11. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      The machine at the top is a Singer 28, I would say that the McNally logo was added by a repair shop or something. Adds interest :) The machine looks to have originally been a hand crank and has had a motor added.

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