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GermanPicker's loves6 of 87 cent coca cola machneGargoyle Mobiloil Socony Vacuum Doublesided Lollipop sign without base
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (26 items)

    can anybody identify this coke machine as to model and year?all help is appreciated

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    1. earlycoke earlycoke, 14 years ago
      Vendolator 44 from the late 50's. Desirable machine because of its small size, people can use them in their homes. Looks like you are missing parts of the front, and who knows on the inside. Fully restored and working people ask about 4000 for these. But I have never seen one sell for that much. It is worth much less in this condition. Nice machine.
    2. jackjessica, 13 years ago
      ebay has one listed for 2200
    3. jackjessica, 13 years ago
      Sell one like this Vintage 1950’S Coca-Cola Vendo 44 Coke Vending Machine
      Price: US $5,999.00 another one on ebay

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